Chapter 31

386 13 9

August 18, 2014


"Why didn't you tell me sooner." Taylor said sadly. I shrugged.

"I'm better now." I said simply. It's true. I haven't self harmed, or even thought about self harming for a while. "Well, let's go inside?" I asked. We've been sitting in the Ben and Jerry's parking lot for about five minutes. Not that I am complaining, I like talking to Taylor.

"Oh yeah." He laughed softly. We got out and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Loosen up." I said. He smiled as I rubbed his back lightly.

It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that me and Hayes broke up. I don't feel much different.

Me and Taylor made small talk as we waited in line to order. We were laughing at something stupid he said when the worker said next.

We walked to the counter and I opened my mouth to speak. Taylor started talking and I closed my mouth.

"She wants a medium chocolate chip cookie dough in a cone?" He looked at me and I nodded, smiling. "And I'll have a medium half baked in a cone." He added.

"Is that it?" The lady asked. We nodded and Taylor payed.

We waited for our ice cream and when it came out my stomach grumbled.

Taylor laughed and handed me my cone.

"Thanks bitch." Taylor said to the worker and pulled me outside. We both burst out laughing

I took out my phone and started a video. We showed both of our ice cream cones.

"Mine is better!" Taylor shouted at the video. I objected and he told me to try it.

I'll admit, I've never actually tried half baked. I gave Taylor my phone to film it, and he started chanting "do it! Do it!" I laughed and licked mine, then I licked his. Then mine again. Then his again.

"Mine is better!" I mocked, but I was serious. Mine did taste much better. He rolled his eyes and I traded his ice cream for my phone.

"Taste mine." I said handing him my cone.

He tasted both and nodded. I filmed him and laughed.

"I hate to admit, but yours is better." He huffed and licked mine again. I smirked took my ice cream back.

"Eat your nasty 'half baked'." I mocked. I ended the video and we finished our ice cream.

"Let's make this our thing." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's have ice cream dates every week." He cheesed and I nodded agreeing.

"Definitely." We stood up and walked to the car.

He opened the door for me and I thanked him, sitting in my seat. He closed my door gently and danced around to his side of the car. Yes, danced.

He got in his side of the car and huffed.

"I still feel bad Francesca." He admitted.

"It's not all your fault. It's mine too because I kissed back." I said. "Plus, I mean, I was on your lap. That was all my fault." I added.

"Your brother is going to kill me. So is Hayes." He put his head on the steering wheel. I rubbed his back.

"Listen, when we kissed, I felt something that I never felt before. Not even with Hayes." I admitted.

"Regret?" He joked.

"Ha. Ha." I said sarcastically. "No, it felt amazing." He smiled lightly and patted his lap. I climbed over to his seat and straddled him again.

"I really want to kiss you again." He admitted. "But I can't."

I put my head on his chest and heard his heartbeat. I heard how it sped up when I grabbed his hand.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"You just got out of a relationship. If anyone finds out they'll kill me." He said.

"Let's not tell anybody." I whispered.


He gulped, but smiled.

I took my head off his chest and looked into his eyes. He leaned closer and brought his lips to mine. I hastily kissed back. My hands automatically moved towards his hair and his moved to my hips.

It's weird. It's like déjà vu. This exact scene happened only an hour ago, just at a different place, with completely different consequences.

This is so completely wrong, but it felt so right. I felt electricity shock through me when his hands slowly moved down to my butt.

I laced my fingers in his hair and tugged lightly while standing on my knees to deepen the kiss.

We broke apart, gasping for air. He released his grip on my butt and I fixed his hair. When I was done, he left a quick peck on my lips before I got back into my seat.

"Our little secret." He said and started up the car.

We talked while we were in the car and when we got to my house i looked in the mirror.

I was a wreck. My lips were swollen and red from kissing, I had bits of mascara scattered on my cheeks from crying. Not to mention my hair was a mess and my body ached for no apparent reason.

"Here." Taylor wiped the mascara off my cheeks and fixed my hair. He also handed me some Chapstick which would hopefully help my lips. We sat in the car is silence for a few minutes before I opened the door.

"Thank you." I said awkwardly.

"Call me. I want to kiss you but if someone is looking it will ruin our secret." He winked. I laughed and blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket.

I closed the door and walked to the front door, pulling out my key. I unlocked the door and turned around to wave to Taylor who stayed to make sure I got inside.

He pulled away and I walked inside quietly and gently closed the door.

I let out a breath and smiled.

"Where were you?" Elizabeth appeared.

"I was out with Taylor." I shrugged.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Cameron said appearing out of nowhere. I looked down at my phone and my eyes widened.

"It is three in the morning Francesca. I hate to do this, but you're grounded." Elizabeth said. "You're not even my mom!" I objected.

She shrugged. "Don't have to be. You live in my house, with my rules. Plus, me Cameron and your mom already talked about it." She added. She did have a point but this is completely unnecessary.

"And don't think I didn't see you with Taylor." Cameron glared and my cheeks heated up. Does he mean what I think he means? Something about his eyes is answering my question for me.

"Room now." Elizabeth pointed towards the stairs and I sighed and walked towards them.

As much as I hate to say it, I knew I deserved this when I walked past Hayes' room. I heard soft sniffling and I knew he was crying.

What have I done.


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