Chapter 23

483 11 5

July 20, 2014


As I searched through my drawers for a bathing suit that wasn't huge on me, I realized how bi-polar Hayes was.

Why is it that one minute he is mad at me, and the next he is being completely normal.

I groaned and sat on the floor, giving up at the fact that I don't have any bathing suits that will fit me.

That is, until my phone rang.

Addi's name flashed on the screen.

"Let's hang out!" Was shouted at me through the phone.

"Okay! Come over. Do you have any bathing suits that would fit me? Bring a bathing suit and comfy clothes." I spoke while looking at my wall. My eyes got blurry so I looked away.

"That's it?" She checked.

"If you wanna sleep over, bring whatever!" I smiled, then realized she couldn't see me.

"Okay, see you!"

When she got here, I yanked the door open and dragged her to my room.

"Boys are going to be here. I have to make Hayes jealous. Make me look hot." I winked. She smiled and got to work.

She pulled 3 bathing suits out of her bag.

I chose a neon orange triangl suit, while She chose a pink one. She grabbed my hair and threw it into a high pony tail, so my long hair flowed down the middle of my back.

She put on her bathing suit as I adjusted mine.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. "You can see my scars." I rubbed my thumb over the pale white lines on my thighs.

"Nobody will notice. It's getting dark anyways." Adrian assured me. She hugged me lightly.

We locked arms as we walked down the stairs. I grabbed my phone on the way outside.

When I stepped outside I looked towards the trampoline and noticed a few boys have gathered around Hayes.

A tall handsome older-looking boy whistled at us. I set my stuff down and slowly walked towards the trampoline, Adrian at my side.

"Hayes, we'll be in the pool, if you guys want, feel free to join us." I tightened my pony tail and trotted off.

I hooked my phone up to speakers and put my music on shuffle.

I walked to the pool and dove in, closing my eyes tight to avoid the burning of the chlorine. Ad was by me soon after.

We both swam up laughing.

We were trying to show off, like our plan as more and more guys showed up.

Nash was here, but Cameron was out with Vicky and her daughter. They have been bonding really good lately as Cameron tells me.

A tall boy stood up and walked towards me. He was the guy who whistled at us earlier.

"Can I join you guys? They're all talking shit about social media." He laughed lightly.

I nodded and he put his hand out towards me. "Taylor." I grabbed his hang and shook it.

"I'm Francesca, and this is Adrian." I pointed towards my friend next to me.

Another tall boy walked towards us. "I'm gonna join you ladies over here." the boy said. He had a thick county accent, which I liked.

"I am not a lady." Taylor scoffed. We all laughed. "This is Alec." Taylor introduced.

I noticed Adrian staring at him so I lightly hit her with my elbow to knock her out of her trance. Although he was cute.

Taylor was cuter though.

"I'm Francesca and this is Adrian." I repeated what I'd said to Taylor.
"Come on guys! Get in."

Taylor ripped off his shirt, and let me tell you, his body is amazing.

I ripped my eyes off of his chest and dipped my head underwater.

Him and Alec jumped in together and made a huge splash. We all laughed. I looked over at Hayes and noticed him staring at me.

"What?" I mouthed towards him. He shook his head and looked away. I hope my plan is working. I glanced over at Addi.

We were in the pool for about an hour and Taylor and I have gotten pretty close. He's a really nice guy.

Every so often, Adrian would look over towards me and wink at me. It seems like her and Alec are hitting it off pretty well.

I was flirting with Taylor, I'll admit, but it seems like there's only one boy on my mind. The boy who's as hurt me physically and mentally. The boy who has fixed me and broken me. The boy who can make me a bi-polar mess. The boy who I liked since the first time ever saw him.

The only boy who will ever get my heart beating whenever he looks at me. The only boy who I can't stay away from, even though I know that I should.

Hayes Grier, the boy who has me wrapped around his finger.

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