First impressions and reserection

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Chapter 8: First Impressions and reserection

Of all things Charlie was expecting earth to be like, a near replica of hell minus the religious iconogrify, stone ceiling and fire wasn't it. Infact the streets seemed to be cleaner in Hell asides the back alleys they would pass on occasion. Momo being the sole survivor of the cenobite attack on her family and the last remaining Yaoyoruzo, was set to inherit her family's business of hero gear and support item manufacturing so she had talked at the police station With her family Lawyer who would try to sort everything out for her. Tokoyami was being escorted home by his parents and that left the residents of Hell, a love obsessed angel and momo to be escorted by Aizawa. It was almost midnight when a bus arrived at the station being driven by a short old lady who was using stacks of books to reach the pedals. A large syringe like cane sat to her side. After being piled onto the bus the old lady took off like a bat from hell for a distant H shaped building.

"So, where are we headed?" Izuku finally asked while Azazel and Momo were discussing ways to destroy the lament configuration without causing an explosion.

"UA Academy young man." The lady stated simply as they slowed to a stop at some traffic lights.

"UA ACADEMY?! AS IN THE BEST HERO SCHOOL IN JAPAN?!" Izuku cried out excitedly as green flames sparked from his hair.

"Calm down." Aizawa grunted, partly annoyed that his quirk had no effect on demonic abilities and thus couldn't shut down Izuku's fire. "For all I care you'll still be out on your ass by the end of the night."

"Technically it's morning?" Charlie asked as she motioned to the digital clock attached to the bus's radio. Indeed it was showing 12:01AM.

"Quiet." Aizawa grunted in annoyance only to wince in pain as the old lady whacked his across the back of his head with a cane.

"Don't you complain mister go to bed at the crack of dawn, I've been up since six this morning dealing with Mirio and Nejire's antics, how they managed to dislocate both shoulders just by walking is a bloody mystery." The old lady grumbled as they pulled upto the gate to UA as the main gate slowly opened. "Not like you have classes for the rest of the year asides Friday's now anyway."

"They had zero potential." Aizawa explained bluntly.

"Wow, and I thought heaven was strict." Azazel muttered softly as she wrote another couple lines of notes.

"Wonder if my uncle still works there." Vaggie muttered.

"Your uncle?" Izuku asked uncertainly. After all Vaggie had stated a few times how her family had treated her.

"Hizashi is technically a fifth cousin twice removed but it's easier to call him uncle." Vaggie shrugged it off. Momo cast her a sidealong glance from the other rows on the bus before going back to trying to figure out how to destroy the puzzle effectively.

"Great, more family." Aizawa sighed as he hit his head against the pole infront of his seat. With a lurch the bus finally continued on its way to the main campus of the school, specifically Gym Gamma where more staff were waiting, many of whom were looking annoyed at being woken up at the ungodly hour.

"Everybody off." The elderly woman smiled softly as she pulled the handbrake and opened the door. " You too Aizawa you're not sleeping on the bus again."

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