Along came the Spider

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Darkest Hero

Hello friends and welcome back to Darkest Hero, before we begin I'd like to give a quick announcement, Happy Easter everyone! This series has been going on for a few years now and I want to thank everyone for their support of the series.

(edit, this was meant to be posted on Easter but it wouldn't let me upload at the time)

Anyway onto the Q and A as per the past 60 chapters.

Q: So where is All Might during all of this? When will he pass on his quirk?

A: Where he is currently is a plot point coming up soon honestly. Also no he hasn't passed on his quirk yet but will sooner or later.

Q: So can we have Killjoy get eaten by Ferals?

A: nope, she's gonna be the punching bag for another individual after everything is over.

Q: so what's going on with AfO?

A: about to have a anxiety attack once Inko has her interview sorted.

Chapter 59: Along came the Spider

The Slayer was starting to get annoyed as he was once more tossed several blocks away from the Icon of Sin. Casually he waded out of the rubble and broken concrete slabs that had lined the small department store he had crashed into, absently backhanding a feral imp had enough to rip its head from its shoulders in a spray of gore. He merely loaded another canister into his BFG as he continued in a linear path towards the Icon, uncaring of the cowboy ass looking moron who was garding a bunker instead of evacuating the area like any sane human should.

Another blur was shot towards him as he walked. He merely stuck his arm out to the side, catching the now severely annoyed Diasy who was covered in blood.

"Next time we answer these calls I get to curb stomp the little shit who summons these things in the balls." Daisy growled in anger as she flicked some blood from her face and climbed onto the slayer's shoulders, her legs draped across his chest. "Where's Miruko?"

"Kaj tanmado schola en rikkas." The Slayer merely responded as he fired the BFG at the Icon eliciting a roar of pain as more of its bone armor was torn loose from its limbs leaving behind burnt muscle and tendons. A small blur shot out of a window and started to attack the Icon. The slayer's shoulders slumped, it seems his daughter was already kicking more ass than he was. "Gur tak mafono."

"Sure, I think we can find a burger place once this is all done." Daisy shrugged. "We haven't had a family dinner since she was eighteen anyway and she's what, twenty three now?"

"Kar en Tuk." Slayer growled at a large black skinned and muscular creature with a beaked head and exposed brain as it stumbled back into their path, a massive Baron was attempting to force it back.

"Kar en Tuk Baron, Su. Skekki ahena." Daisy replied before leaping from her position atop the slayer's shoulders at the Baron. The red skinned demon barely had time to react before it's throat was torn out by Daisy's teeth letting its head fall to the ground with a meaty slap. "Hey Squishy. Bad guy is that way." She smirked pointing towards where she could hear some Pinkies trying to break into something.

The Nomu merely nodded and lumbered off towards the sound leaving the Slayer to look at his wife in confusion as he gestured at the Nomu. "Gi Kar en Tuk?" He wined.

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