Making History

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Darkest hero

Hello folks, welcome to the story. Grab some popcorn and a drink, enough to last maybe 5 minutes unless you're decided to read from the start, it's apparently about 8 hours to read from start to end for some reason, not that I believe it.

Q and A segment as per normal, you all know the drill by now.

Q: will BJ Blaskovich be showing up at all?

A: No, he was long dead by the time of the Slayer being born, the known family line starts with BJ's racist father and his Jewish mother, BJ then went on to fight in WW2 against Nazis, Demons (yes this is cannonical, he was the one to original wound the Abomination which later was remade as the Cyberdemon), zombies and Nazi cyborgs. They had 2 daughters, one of them went to marry a Mr Keen and they had a son together who joined the military, retiring later as Commander Keen, Commander Keen is John Blaskovich's (the name coming back somehow unexplained) grandfather. The old guy is either comfy up in Heaven or currently non existent as down in hell it's unlikely he survived for a few centuries against constant angel purges.

Q: Was that Robot Chicken?

A: nope, it was Chika, the animatronics have been after him since he was forced back to Fazbear's pizzaria.

To ANBUspider there already is a Chaos Brigade type group in this, it's the LoV. Both want to ultimately want to help a Big Bad get loose and rip the world to shreds, only difference is AFO isn't the biggest fish in the pond unlike Trihexa.

Chapter 63: making history

The Slayer was already bored out of his mind. The flesh golem he wasn't allowed to kill was taking it's sweet ass time making its way through the pools of blood too deep for him to stand upright in and he wanted to get this over and done with so he could grab some food. He mentally cursed whoever built the city in a valley with the center of the city being at the lowest point in the velley. Daisy was happily perched atop his shoulders with a lazy smirk on her blood splattered face as she started the long process of picking the bits of blood and gore from Miruko's hair. Miruko meanwhile was pouting at being treaded as a child while she crouched on the Nomu's shoulder.

"Hey, uh, little help here?" A voice called. The Nomu didn't break it's stride but the three riding it's shoulders turned to see the lizard guy from before clinging to the side of a wall with his small child-like limbs.

"Sorry, Squishy here doesn't follow our orders." Daisy called out. "Hang on or swim!"

"But I can't swim!" The man called out desperately.

"Then hang on you idiot!" Daisy shot back as Mr Squishy lumbered forth.

"Hiji tag banni va?" The Slayer whispered once they were out of earshot of the lizard man.

"I know you can't swim John but that's more you being too dense to float in water than anything." Daisy waved it off. "Honestly it'd have to be twice as thick as molasses for you to swim."

"Hey watch it!" Miruko hissed as her mum tugged a chunk of hair by accident.

"Sorry, just try to stay still." Daisy apologized before going back to trying to make her daughter semi presentable.

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