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Darkest Hero

So, someone asked what was happening with the characters brought up in earlier chapters as add ins? Well to be honest I have yet to decide how exactly to implement the inclusion of half of them without having them be way too op.

Q and A:

Q: why did inko say its good to be back?

A: she is Leviathan. She has been in hell for ages.

Q: time for chaos?

A: time for chaos.

Q: who took the cookie?

A: im not sure what you're on about but probably Eri.

Q: is Alister gonna paint the town red?

A: in a manner of speaking.

Chapter 22: Destruction.


Minorou Mineta was having a rather bad time. Sure he finally got a sexy demon babe but she fucking killed him, then he finds himself in hell, not exactly what he was going for but he figured more sex for him. Sadly in the few months he had been there the only fun time he did have involved a guy cyclops and it wasn't so fun for him. Atleast they had decent food down in hell.

With a soft sigh of resignation he made his way to the only place he could afford using what little money he could scrounge up, an icecream parlour covered in graphiti. Entering he found some fox demon talking with a green haired demon while a white haired girl with a horn sat between them kicking her legs while enjoying an icecream with a smile on her face. He brushed them off as a family that probably died in a wreck or something, maybe a villain attack for all he cared. What did catch his attention however was a blonde girl with pail skin, black eyes, C cup bust and small fangs who was looking over the flavours of icecream with a thoughtful expression.

With a cocky smirk the short demon saunted over to the blonde, confident he could gain her adoration, after all he survived a full month in hell, that has to be worth something!

"Hey there good looking, I'm Minorou Mineta." The short perv began.

With a mere glance the blonde rolled her eyes and went back to picking a flavour.

"I can show you a good time, what do you say good looking?" Mineta asked as he slapped her ass.

With a squeak of shock the blonde darted around, fangs bared as she growled at the short teen. "Piss off midget!"

"Ooh fisty, wanna go find somewhere private?" Mineta asked, completely missing every possible sign that he was screwed and not the good Kind of screwed. The demon behind the counter ran out the back door, leaving their lit cigarette on the counter and the sound of slowly grinding chair legs on the floor filled his ears.

"I'm sorry but did you just solicit my daughter in law?" The green haired woman asked in a voice that was too calm.

"Cant you see I'm busy you dumb bitch?" Mineta scoffed, ignoring the woman as he leered at the blonde.

The red haired demon just grinned widely at that, ready to enjoy the show.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" The green haired woman growled as the white haired girl glared at him and the blonde was cracking her knuckles.

Darkest HeroWhere stories live. Discover now