sports festival part 2

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Darkest Hero

To you I say hello and welcome back to another chapter of darkest hero. Hopefully this thing will reach a natural conclusion and not just be a dead end fic like I have a problem with doing.

As per the norm the Q and A is here!

Q: 1A never seems to catch a break can they?

A: probably not in this, if you want a more relaxed version either look up the Quirkless AU stories or the combination of "Izuku Midoriya is a little shit" and "1A group chat" tags on Ao3 and Wattpad.

Q: Gura gonna gura?

A: a!

Q: Can't believe Eri is evil! How is it possible?!

A: tag to add: Eri is a little shit. Also trauma can really mess people up and she was subjected to literally being murdered multiple times by overhaul.

Chapter 51: sports festival part 2

The first year classes of UA had been training beyond even the normal for their year, more so those either in the hero classes or trying to get into the hero classes from a different one. For the entire week straight the five gyms on campus had been booked solid from 5am until 6pm when they closed by students from all years and classes in an attempt to improve themselves even the slightest amount.

Unlike the general student body in the school, those who had become involved with supernatural abilities or were supernatural themselves were taken aside the day before the festival by Nezu himself. Outside those who were from Hell in some form or another, Gura, Watson, a green haired girl from 1B with sharp teeth and Azazel had been gathered in the temporary closed Gym Delta which was devided in half between a large matted area made of foam and a swimming pool.

Nezu merely grinned to himself as five minutes after the students arrived, several pro heroes also filtered into the room including the hero Native, Ingenium, Mt Lady and the final one to enter the room, Miruko who immediately glared at Nezu.

"Ah, now that we're all here I'll cut things short, you're all involved in the supernatural in one way or another and frankly trust the HSC about as far as I can toss My Lady in her giant form." Nezu chuckled slightly with his paws folded behind his back.

"Are you calling me fat!?" Mt Lady growled in anger at the rodent.

"Who me? Could be. si ti." Nezu cackled causing said heroine to growl in annoyance.

"Get on with it rat." Miruko scoffed.

"Right, basically the HSC has been majorly overstepping their bounds." Nezu began. "And to avoid them trying to blackmail my students and you lot I plan on revealing the supernatural within these next few weeks meaning use of non quirk abilities is acceptable for the festival."

"Alright but what does this have to do with us?" Native asked with a raised hand.

"I didn't even teach you josh-san no need to raise your hand." Nezu chuckled. "As for what it has to do with you? Everything! HAHAHAHA!"

"Please may we continue?" Azazel asked with a wobbly smile.

"Ah yes, name, quirk, species and powers overview. Yes Miruko everyone has been vetted so no killing or I'm gonna make what I did to time baby look like a mild gust of wind. Kapeesh?" Nezu explained before leveling a flat stare at the rabbit hero.

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