Omake 2 and note

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Chapter Omake 2

It is with a heavy heart I have to inform everyone that due to damage my old phone with all my previous work works and unpublished or half completed stories has been lost, some remains but my new phone reads the SD as corrupted so I am trying to salvage them.

So due to this and my currently finding my new phone's keyboard a pain in the ass, I will instead put this story on a short break and leave you guys with a Omake while I work on other stories for a few weeks while I get used to everything.

Omake 2: Nightmare

Eri whimpered fearfully as the mean beak man once more slammed the door to her cell shut and walked into the room, blood stained the floors a sickly red as he approached, hand outstretched as she sunk into the floor, stopping her from moving, from escaping the lunatic.

"You're cursed child. Cursed." The man growled as numerous hands filled her vision, poking her, prodding her, making her body fall apart and reconstitute itself all at the same time before suddenly it stopped. The room was dark again with only a single light illuminating her new mother Inko. The woman had her back turned to her, not looking in her direction.

"You're weak Eri." She stated emotionlessly making Eri gasp in shock.

"Mummy! Mummy!!" Eri screamed as she tried to run for the woman only to somehow end up further away the closer she got.

"You're not my real daughter." The green haired woman stated before everything turned black in an instant and Eri started to fall. She screamed herself course as a massive Overhaul loomed over her, his hand clasping around her, crushing, suffocating, KILLING her!

"NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!!" She screamed as she clutched at her head.

"ERI! ER! WAKE UP!" Inko called distantly. "WAKE UP ERI!"

"NOOOOOO!" Eri screamed, tears in her eyes as she shot upright in her bed, tears streaming down her face as she latched onto the first thing she could, that being Inko who was in a simple night gown. The eery grey light of the moon filtered into the room through a gap in the curtains. "DON'T LEAVE ME MUMMY! DONT LEAVE ME!" she sobbed.

"Shh. Shhh, it's okay Eri, it's okay." Inko hushed softly as she hugged the distraught girl gently. "It's okay, it's okay. What happened? Was it Kreuger? I'll flay him alive if it was!" Inko vowed darkly, nobody got away with messing with her baby girl if she could help it!

"D-dont leave m-me." Eri sobbed as she clutched at Inko.

"I won't sweety. I won't." Inko hummed softly, whatever her new daughter had dreamt up could wait for the morning, for now her little girl was afraid and wanted hugs.

End Omake.

Short chapter Omake I know but it's just a stop gap until I get the chapter situation dealt with.

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