chapter 6: philisophical debate

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(Okay for those who somehow glossed over it back in chapter 5 or couldn't figure it out. Izuku's demonic form is basically ghost rider with horns and green flames. Much like Charlie he will be able to swap between a more human appearance and the diabolic one. Charlie after all could pass for a base human in BNHA asides her eyes and teeth much like izuku now looks like)

Aizawa was not having a good night. He had been dealing with the brats all day and ended up expelling the entire class which got Nezu on his case. Then he ran into Miss Joke right after his patrol started and she followed him for a few blocks before he lost her in an alleyway only for her to find him again half an hour ago. Now he was having to deal with a massacre scene. The stench was awful. The smell of molten metal mingled with the stench of blood and fecies filled the air like a thick fog blanketing the room.

"Oh damn. Not even I can joke about this." The green haired clown gagged at the stench as she repositioned her bandana from over her hair to covering her nose and mouth given that she didn't carry any air filters on her. "Note to self, invest in a gas mask. May help in the future."

"What the actual fuck happened here?" Aizawa growled, his eyes flashing red as he glared at the excitable green haired boy who had called him out by name.

"You don't want to know. Could someone call a doctor? I think Tokoyami and Momo here need to be looked at." Vaggie stated as she gave a flat glare at Aizawa, one he was begrudgingly impressed with.

"So...I'm Charlie, nice to meet you." Charlie smiled as she stuck out her hand at Aizawa. He merely glared at her before miss joke tool her hand and shook it vigorously.

"I'm the pro hero miss joke, nice to meet you, could you tell us what happened here?" The clown heroine asked with a large grin hidden behind the bandana.

"Your usual portal to hell opening and shit hitting the caine damned fan. Literally." Charlie replied casually as she pointed upwards to a ceiling fan that was literally covered in fecies and blood and a small amount of intestine. " Me and my friends were diverted here instead of our actual destination and we saved Momo here from becoming another victim to the Cenobites."

"Yeah, whatever you be been smoking stop." Aizawa deadpanned.

"Hey, Charlie isn't on anything!" Izuku called back with his arms folded.

"Hell doesn't exist." Aizawa deadpanned.

"Besides, you all don't look like demons." Miss Joke waved it off cheerfully.

"She is the dark princess of hell, daughter of lucifer himself." Tokoyami stated, dark shadow nodded in agreement.

"Wait, were we supposed to keep it all a secret or no? Your uncle wasn't clear on that?" Vaggie asked Charlie who looked shocked that she hadn't considered that a possibility let alone taking into account how religious individuals would react. Izuku's eyes went wide as he started to mutter up a storm before Vaggie covered his mouth making him stop.

"Oh man uncle Michael will be so disappointed!" Charlie worried as she began to pace back and forth, running her hands through her hair nervously making it a mess.

"S-sorry but what they said is true." Momo shuddered as she made a lead lined briefcase with her quirk and slammed it shut on the puzzle box. "The trap in this box opens a gateway to hell. I opened it by accident and now my family is dead."

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