The USJ part 3

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Darkest Hero

Quick Q and A as per normal:

Q: wil lthe film rewards from canibal holocaust be in this?

A: nope, never really had much interest in it so I never watched it.

Q: pinhead is a chick?

A: no they're not, the nails in the skull are just markers for the position of a priest of leviathan much like how the pope has the hat and robes or a reverent has the small white collar thing (sorry I have no clue what it is called sorry), the exposed skull one is Angelique and the other is a priestess of hell.

Chapter 37: USJ part 3

Shigiraki was having a bad time. First All Might didn't show up, then another villain team arrived due to tracking becon bullshit and now the brats he was going to kill to lure out All Might were almost out the doors. His Nomu was almost constantly getting chained up by the half melted freak and half of his minions were dead.

"Come child, suffering is such an experience." The half melted man grinned mockingly. He HATED being mocked!

"I can still kill you!" He screamed, lunging forth to slap the villain and disintegrate him to ash only it never came, instead a sharp agonising pain raced down his arm as a hooked chain skewered clean through the bones in his lower arm.

"You cannot kill that which is already dead." The man chuckled deeply before turning to face the skylight as more chains pierced Shigiraki, leaving him routed to the spot as he screamed in agony. "It is not my place to do more to you, there are such pleasures to share with you and it would he rude not to share."

"Fuck you!" Shigiraki spat. "Korogiri!"

"Sorry sir I'm a bit occupied!" The mist villain called as he ducked under a swing from the only female among the opposing group to remain in the main plaza before immediately jumping back to avoid being ripped in two by the conjoined twins who had procured a human spine of all things to use as a whip. The state of the villain with the Finger Guns quirk quickly showed where the item had come from.

"Ah, the young princess is enjoying herself." The half melted man smirked as the one with the exposed skull punched some hero brat with a flaming skull in the throat before tossing him at the demon looking blonde brat.

"NOMU!" Shigiraki screamed. In an instant the chains that had bound him snapped as the genetically engineered abomination came to his rescue, leaping away from the main plaza in a single lunge. With a bestial roar the Nomu slammed into the ice barrier sending chunks everywhere as the students inside were sent flying.

"Scatter!" Korogiri snarled as he warped as many of the students through the facility as possible while he continued to try and dodge the strikes thrown his way. Leaving the two pro heroes, some flat chick with earphone jacks for ears and the two who had been fighting the chick with the exposed skull.

"You ruined it." The girl uttered in shock as she slowly stood up, a pair of off white wings sprouting from her back, flaring much like how a pissed off bird would. "I was about to pour my heart out and you fucking ruined it and they MAY END UP DEAD YOU BASTARD!"

"Jirou, calm down!" Eraserhead snapped as what could only be described as a spear of lightning formed in the punk girl's hand.

"Meddle not in the affairs of deities for they are smite happy." The woman with the exposed skull uttered as she merely stepped away from the fighting and lowered her arms as her two opponents staggered to their feet, both bruised but ready to fight if need be. "I have no wish to cease existing. I surrender to your mercies."

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