chapter 3: Puzzles and Uncles

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Momo growled in anger as she firmly placed the burnt notebook down onto her desk. Sections of the skin on her arms bubbled and sparkled as nesting dolls began to form and drop to the ground.

The owner of the journal, one Izuku Midoriya, had been a brilliant analysts and his notes covered multiple ways to help improve on existing quirks and how to counter and in some cases perminantly neutralise quirks and their weilders. In the entire book there was only three that had permanent neutralization options written down where as everyone had a basic countering guide. The first of these was how to counter Endevor should he ever go on a rampage using household cleaning products to neutralize his fire quirk and make igniting himself a suicidal move. Then there was someone called Eraser-head who could be stopped with a combination of various techniques and other non quirk related methods due to the man's ability to negate the quirk of those he looked at. The final one was of a Bakugo Katsuki, this one was the largest set of notes with everything from use of deodorants, cement, full hand covering shackles, how to treat burns he inflicts, how to neutralize his sweat based explosions with baking soda, signs of him snapping and even his fighting style. It was easy to see the teen was the main bully to the former Izuku Midoriya.

What had really made her angry however was not just what was in the book but the fact that said explosive blonde from the book was on the TV being praised for helping fend off the sludge villain from the other month while said blonde made death threats to "deku" and swore the nerd should return or else. The mere fact the teen had the audacity to say he was the hero was what had set her off.

With a frustrated huff she sat down in her chair, turning the TV off and opening the draw attached to her desk. Inside was the usual, a few pieces of paper, pens and correction liquid and paper clips. Then there was the small puzzle box her parents had given her for her last birthday. Apparently they picked it up at a art show from an eccentric collector who had been trying for years to solve it but never got past the first few steps.

With a resigned sigh Momo picked up the golden box engraved with various symbols and began to turn the faces; a simple tune emerged from the box, played on a mechanism that she could not yet see. Enchanted, she delved further. Though one piece had been removed, the rest did not come readily. Each segment presented a fresh challenge to fingers and mind, the victories rewarded with a further filigree added to the tune.

A knock at the door gained her attention as she put the puzzle down, the tune stopping.

"Mistress Yaoyoruzo, you must leave at once!" A man's voice called urgently. " Your parents have ordered you come down for supper as you have missed not only lunch and breakfast but last night's supper aswell."

"Very well, I shall be down at once." Momo sighed as she stood up, fixed her ruffled skirt and left the room.

[Happy Hotel]

Izuku Midoriya, youngest demon at Hazbin hotel frowned as he rubbed at his left ear in annoyance. For the past few days there had been an on and off again tune that grew in complexity before stopping. Nobody could figure out where it came from exactly or why only Izuku and Alister seemed to be able to hear it but it annoyed the caine out of them both. With a soft sigh he pulled out his notebook and began to write down notes of what the hotel security cameras were picking up. Vaggie was on front desk as usual, Baxter was raiding the pantry for snacks with Nifty on her break. Charlie was out Front trying to hand out fliers with a bored beyond belief Angel and Alister was standing in the middle of a dark room grinning up at the camera, unmoving as he had been or the past few hours, not even blinking. Infact if it wasn't for the slight manic twitch of the eye, izuku would of said the camera was frozen again.

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