Breakfast and a Head

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Darkest hero

Chapter 16: breakfast and a head.

The main common area of the dorms was rather simplistic in design, a few tables for eating at, a small kitchenette, three couches and a simple television on a cabinet. The only two windows in the room overlooked the main campus which at the time was empty asides Cementos who was fixing up the exam grounds from the entrance exams yesterday. It was with a tired yawn that Izuku finally stumbled down the stairs and into this area in a pair of shorts that barely passed his knees and a plain white shirt that simply read Camisa de taco with a picture of a cartoon taco on it, it had been a gift from Vaggie after the green haired demon had managed to keep Baxter from exploding her room while she and Charlie were trying to get back on TV after the last fiasco with killjoy. Ibara had stumbled down as well, still dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday while Charlie was once more wearing her a white button up shirt, black formal pants and suspenders accented by a black bowtie.

Vaggie meanwhile was busy sorting out all the food she had managed to find around the kitchen. Two coffees, a hot chocolate, a juice and a glass of water and a few slices of bread for Ibara. Sadly, the only meat in the freezer and fridges was in the form of precooked pies and a half-eaten stew labelled "Aizawa's TOUCH AND YOU'RE EXPELLED"

"Here's what we have got." Vaggie stated as she grabbed her own coffee and sitting down at the table next to Charlie and Izuku and across from Ibara. With a content sigh the moth demon downed the entire mug of coffee in one go before grabbing the second one.

"Is that much caffeine truly needed?" Ibara asked curiously as she sipped at her water, her vines draped over the back of the chair seemed to enjoy soaking up the sunlight from the window behind her.

"Trust me, I had trouble getting to sleep last night without the constant background noise of hell outside the window, it was weird as fuck." Vaggie shrugged.

"Language." Izuku and Ibara chided the moth demon.

"So, I know my parents would probably be paying for me, but what about you three?" Ibara asked making Izuku and Vaggie freeze in shock.

"I'm pretty sure the bank has confiscated my account after I died." Izuku seemed to pail even more if such a thing was possible given his naturally pail complexion.

"Don't worry, I had it sorted." Charlie smiled as she pulled the two in for a hug. "I had it paid for in full the other day."

"Japan accepts souls?" Izuku asked in confusion, contrary to belief, Hell didn't deal with mortal souls rather the currency was called souls and a misunderstanding on the part of humans lead to them calling the human spirit a soul, needless to say it had resulted in several awkward moments and even a war in the past.

"Of course not, I exchanged it at a bank, they all have ties in Hell since dad seemed to like helping them with the start-up funds." Charlie shrugged it off with a smile before letting go of Izuku to take a sip of her hot chocolate before pulling the green haired coenobite back into the hug.

"I always knew the banks were run by sinners." Ibara deadpanned with a sigh. "Great, now I'm a hypocrite. Izu-sama do you still love me even if I'm a hypocrite sinner?"

"Can we focus on fixing whatever Alister did to her first?" Vaggie asked with a sigh before downing her second coffee in one go, same as the first.

"Well, inside of every demon is a rainbo-!" Charlie was quickly silenced by a kiss from Vaggie. The blonde blushed then grinned lazily with a content sigh. "hehe wow."

"Is... this normal?" Ibara asked as she watched the scene before her with a thoughtful look, her vines raising up behind her like a snake rising from a basket.

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