A Spark

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Darkest Hero

Q and A time

Q: How the heck was Mei able to see Toru?

A: will be revealed later.

Q: uh, how was a surgeon able to see Toru to make changes?

A: who said anything about outside influence?

Q: Did Baka-go seriously just do that dumb shit?

A: yes. Yes he did.

Q: when we gonna see more Eri the adorable demon?!

A: soon.

Q: how the hell did Nemuri survive that?

A: by being not in the main building.

Q: anybody gonna tell moma inko about the baku-turd?

A: probably not, nobody on earth is aware Inko is around asides Izuku and co but they probably think she is in heaven.


A: Not a question and stop it.

Q: We gonna see more of All shite?

A: why the hate towards All Might?

Q: Is AFO related to Izuku?

A: not in this one.

Q: How much wood could Toru chuck as toru has large wood?

A: wow real mature...

Q: Ochako and icy-hot?

A: no. As stated in a previous chapter in this Ochako's preferences would probably offend her traditional parents' sensibilities.

Chapter 29: A spark

At an open air Cafe in the heart of Hosu city an elderly man who looked like Morgan freeman calmly sat at a table eating a waffle topped with syrup and chopped mango, across from him was an elderly man with thin slicked back black hair and sunken eyes in a formal business suit who was enjoying a slice of pizza. A suitcase resting at his foot was marked with a picture of crossed scythes.

"How is your vacation so far?" The elderly man asked, his voice a soft rasp.

"It would of ended a lot sooner hadn't I of lost my keys back when that whole fiasco with arch duke Ferdinand being assassinated." The Morgan freeman lookalike stated softly.

"Still can't believe you lost a spark of your divinity, can't even keep a simple key let alone your family intact." The elderly being huffed in disbelief.

"And yourself Mortis?" The Morgan freeman lookalike replied in turn, ignoring the jab at him.

"The Winchesters are being pains in the ass again." Mortis huffed as he paused eating his slice of pizza. "They recruited your son whatshisface the one who impersonated Loki for a while."

"That would be Gabriel." The lookalike chuckled softly.

"Yes Gabriel. They recruited him to stop some brat from starting the apocalypse." Mortis hummed to himself before both him and his dining companion looked in the same direction with looks of shock. "Well. Looks like your key has found a new host you old fart, someone who was meant to die didn't."

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