S'mores and Texts

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Darkest Hero

Hello and welcome to get another thrilling tale of Darkest Hero.

Let's just slide right into the Q and A segment. Shall we?

Q: is that one of the south park woodland critters?

A: nope, it's the dear cherub who works for CHERUB in hell of a boss.

Q: Is Angelique a OC?

A: No actually, Angelique is the name the demon of hell went by in Hellraiser before she was turned into a cenobite.

Q: why the damned dear thing give stain access to the necronomicon?

A: not the necronomicon and a mix of self preservation and making her job easier by having humanity collectively sent to hell.

Q: so... Doom guy gonna show?

A: Rip... AND TEAR!

Chapter 42: s'mores and texts.

Izuku could only sigh as he once more had to drag Aizawa away from the bar, much to Husk's amusement. Apparently even with a hole in his gut treated by Charlie, the man had enough of shit and wanted a drink.

"Let me go." Aizawa growled.

"Trust me sensei you do not want that crap." Izuku replied softly. He had seen what the normally chearful Nifty was like on that stuff and it frankly scared him almost as much as Alister did.

Charlie on the one occasion he had seen her drunk however just broke his heart. It was a month before Tokoyami's arrival in hell and Charlie had tried filming a commercial for the Hotel only for killjoy to hijack the live event and verbally tear into Charlie before Vaggie chased her off with help from Nifty who was mainly pissed that her moment of fame was interrupted. By the time all was said and done Charlie was about ready to crawl into a bottle and see if alcohol poisoning could kill a demon. The poor girl was crying her heart out, calling herself a failure and asking if she should just stand in the middle of the street during the next purge. It was that day that Izuku really HATED Killjoy and looking back was also probably the day that Vaggie, Charlie and himself first started having feelings for one another, probably also helped that drunk Charlie was clingy Charlie and had refused to let them go even when passed out asleep on her bed forcing the trio to share a bed.

"Last call for crap!" Husk called mockingly as he locked up the bar, but not before swiping a bottle of whiskey for himself.

"That's coming out of your pay." Charlie called absently as she tried to organise a camp out for everyone in the ballroom.

"Bite me." Husk huffed before ripping the lid off the bottle and taking a swig as he walked off.

"These are truely the bestest pillows." Kira grinned as she fluffed a pillow for Reiko, her brother fluffing his own. "Charlie got them from Obelisk Emporium run by some dead Egyptian guy."

"Mister Rafiki is the best pillows and mattress guy in the area, expensive but excellent." Nifty grinned as she along with Shoto and Sato were moving around tables to make room for everyone.

"Mr Squishy!" Eri giggled as the Nomu tried to follow it's orders and get into bed but found itself too large to fit in the sleeping bag. "You need a super dooper big one!"

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