The Press

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Darkest Hero

So, votes are in and the chapter has been written. But first a word from our sponsor, RAID SHADOW- just kidding, that thing is annoying.

Q and A time I geuss.

Q: isnt it Charlie MORNINGSTAR now?

A: yes it is but as i do NOT want to go back and edit 33 chapters worth of writing it will remain Magne for this story.

Q: is Ash Williams going to be showing up

A: the boomstick weilder cometh slowly.

Q: how much to see Killjoy have her ass kicked?

A: free of charge.

Q: explanation: differences between Izu-bean and cenobites?

A: izuku: kind, wants redemption, wants to help people, cinnamon bun, technically cannibal for eating cinnamon bun.

Cenobites: do not for the most part want redemption, happy to torture themselves and others. Most are assholes, some are litteral assholes, unsure if cannibalistic.

Q: who will die?!

A: the mini perv, Izuku, Ibara, Vaggie and a few others already have.

Q: is bakugo stupid or a glutton for pain?

A: prideful and arrogant.

Chapter 33: The Press

"WARNING! SECURITY BREACH LEVEL 3!"An automated announcement called as students began to panic.

"Run for it!" A general studies student cried as they rushed the main doors to the cafeteria triggering a stampede of students. It was with an annoyed grunt Izuku found himself pressed against the glass allowing him to see the press surging onto the school grounds just as Uraraka was slammed into him by a larger 2nd year student who looked like he was made of trees.

"I am groot!" They called back as they tried to shove their way out the small doors.

"Hey relax everybody! Its just the press!" Izuku called only to get slammed over by a panicked student.

"DID SOMEBODY FALL?!" Someone shouted leading to more hysterical panicking amoung the students as they tried to cram through the doors.

"This is like purge day." Charlie eeped as she was knocked around like a pinball.

"Uraraka! I need you to make me float!" Izuku called as he rolled aside to avoid being stepped on before standing back up. Looking around he quickly noticed a firmilular head of black hair with pail scar covered skin. "Momo! We need a megaphone here!"

"Got it!" She called back as Ochako made Izuku float above the crowds. A technicolour flash barely went noticed admists the commotion before Momo threw the megaphone to Izuku.

"I got to get to the front, so I'll have to time this just right." Izuku muttered to himself as he aimed one hand behind him while facing the exit. A sudden short but powerful blast of fire sent him rocketing to the front of the crowd where he slammed into the wall above the door with a grunt of discomfort that usually comes with breaking your nose on a wall. "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN! IF YOU LOOK OUTSIDE YOU'D SEE IT'S JUST THE PRESS SO START ACTING LIKE UA STUDENTS AND STOP PANICKING!"

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