Omake 3

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Darkest hero

Welcome back and for those who wish to know, no this isn't a chapter, this is an Omake.

Still the Q and A segment will happen as per usual so do not worry about that.

Q: let me guess stain has ended up as a vessel for the icon?

A: yup.

Q: it can't be that bad, I mean waffle house is still open right?

A: waffle house the next city over yes, no word on those in the city itself however.

Q: so is Mr Squishy gonna go ape shit against everything that isn't human?

A: Mr Squishy gonna be making the Slayer take notes.

Omake 3;

The students of Aizawa's class could only groan in annoyance as they found themselves woken up at 5am in the morning to the sound of excited and somewhat creepy giggling accompanied by the sound of small feet rushing around. Naturally some students took offence at that if the loud explosion and swear was any indication.

"His damages bill is going to be big." Charlie yawned tiredly as she untangled herself from Vaggie and Izuku who she had clung to her in sleep. At the foot of the bed Ibara was curled up, her vines forming a ball like nest around herself, Momo, Toga and Mina while one arm was around Izuku's leg and the other was clutching what was very clearly a pillow stuffed inside one of Eri's spare dresses with a crude face painted on and a ice-cream cone and mop head taped on-top of it.

"On no." Vaggie sighed in irritation as she yawned and rolled back over to get some more sleep. "Too early."

"Where's Loona and Eri?" Izuku asked tiredly upon noticing a lack of a certain hellhound and hyperactive tiny cenobite.

The sound of a scream of joy caused everybody to shoot up in confusion. That certainly sounded like Loona and not Eri.

"C'mon." Charlie yawned as she swung her legs over the edge of her bed and into a waiting pair of slippers. "25th today, so BBQ day."

"What?" Izuku asked in confusion as the girls started to untangle themselves from Ibara.

"Coal day, every 25th December in hell Santa gives out a load of coal for a huge dinner thing, normally I don't get coal for some reason, I just get toys and things which is weird honestly." Charlie hummed to herself.

"You don't know what Christmas is?" Izuku asked with a raised eyebrow. "Santa brings gifts for good people while the naughty ones get coal."

"Hey I tried to tell her in the past." Vaggie replied with an eye roll. "She tuned me out when I tried explaining it."

"Coal day!" Loona cried as she literally booted open the door, a pile of coal clutched in her arms, uncaring that it was gonna stain her fur. On her shoulder Eri was giggling like a maniac while she also clutched at her own smaller pile of coal.

"I even got a bunny toy!" Eri chirped happily as she lifted the pile of coal up, sitting atop it was a simple plush rabbit toy which was now stained with soot from the coal.

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