dinner and a geust

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Darkest Hero

Ok, Questions and answers time.

Q: Can we just kill monomo?

A: no, not yet.

Q: is that a real flerken?

A: maybe.

Q: Who let the dog out?

A: hey that's not very nice! Dogs are much better than monomo.

Q: How much longer until Eri, Toga and Inko come into the main part of the story?

A: USJ incident at the absolute earliest.

Q: explain how exactly a flerken got there?

A: may or may not be a flerken who ate a tesseract and went reality hopping.

Chapter 25: dinner and a geust.

The classes could only stare in shock at the orange ball of fuzz that was goose after the cat managed to eat two more rulers before they were all away, now Izuku owed rulers to Iida, Tetsutetsu and a girl with a lizard based quirk called Setsuna Tokage who just outright fed goose the ruler for her own amusement. Mei who had been quiet until now, sitting in the back with Shinso and a girl from 1B called Yui Kodai who was using her quirk to increase some sheets of paper for mei to write her blueprints on.

"All those in favour of never mentioning that again?" Momo asked with a raised hand. Most of the two classes raised their hands, Iida hadn't as he was still chopping the air in shock and Sen, the kid who's quirk let his limbs move like drills, was rocking back and forth in the corner muttered fearfully while staring at the cat with wide eyes.

"Agreed then." Momo stated with a soft sigh and cautiously got up from behind her riot shield which had some of Bakugo's blood on it along with some spit and sweat where he slammed into it before and sat back in her desk after putting the chair the right way up.

"C'mere you adorable little ball of squishy fluff." Charlie cooed at goose while making kissy faces.

"Charlie please don't bring the cat closer. I happen to like my stationary the way it is thankyou." Ibara requested while she hugged upto Izuku making him blush but for once he didn't ignite.

"Goose, guard the desk." Izuku stated. The cat yawned way too wide for a normal cat and rolled over on the desk, purring loudly.

"Aww." All the girls cooed at the cat asides for Tsu who croaked slightly and went about her school work.

"So, everyone got their stuff sorted for moving in?" Mei asked absently as she pulled her goggles over her eyes and started to work on the very fine details of her latest blueprints, that being the designs for a backpack with extendable stilts built into it.

"Ugh don't remind me." Mina groaned. "Moving stuff is so dull."

"Hey we could do room comparisons afterwards." Toru suggested. Instantly everyone had agreed asides Charlie, Izuku and Ibara who shared a room and honestly didn't want anybody looking through their stuff especially if they accidentally found the paperwork for the hotel.

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