The USJ Part 2

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Darkest Hero

So, quick Q and A segment,

Q: so, can we sacrifice Baku-hoe?

A: no. We need him for later.


A: A scientist? A mad scientist? Dufenschmurtz the mad scientist?!

Q: Hey, Where's Perry?

A: *70s singer voice* : AGENT P!

Q: so, who gonna die?

A: wait and see.


A: because he dumb.

Q: From 1 to you're fucked how likely is Shigi to die?

A: around a 7.5, depends on how part 3 goes.

Q: is that a reference or is Phineas and Ferb part of this?

A: just a reference thanks to the meme where they dub Dr D over Redestro's scene of him breaking the tower.

Review replies for those who write too many questions to feasibly answer without doing two or more paragraphs on it.

SargentEpsilon: firstly I would recommend you get a Fanfiction account given they're free so I can send PMs directly when you want something answered fast. Second of corse it is SUS, its the HSC we are talking about here. Shigi is probably about to become number 1 on Inko's shit list and Charlie's too. Shigi is gonna be in a world of hurt for sure. Also it may or may not be a fabrication by the HSC, could be the villain mentioned, may just be some random reporter who got blasted, you won't know until later.

LaUgHiNgmaN: yes it is highly sus but you will have to wait and see what is true and what is false. Yes Tomura will be scared and scarred most likely.

Chapter 36: USJ part 2

"Ah such flesh to play with."

Calmly walking out of the shadows surrounding the plaza several beings made their presence known as a harsh white light shon through the skylight that not two seconds before showed a blue sky. Those firmilular with the beings tensed, waiting to have a opertunity to make a run for safety. Jirou was starting to feel ill, the very aura of the creatures turned her stomach in ways she couldn't even begin to describe.
The closest was a grotesque mockery of conjoined twins, their flesh still pink hinting at a recent death was twisted together, their forms bound together by wire and black leather straps. A spiked ball was suspended between their heads by their eyelids and ears, very little hair remained on their head, most of it being thin and patchy at the best. Each hand had fingers stitched together with rusted wire to form crude larger fingers for a four fingered hand on each side.

The next was a being with their lips ripped off revealing blood stained gums and rotting teeth to the world. Their face was a mash of jagged scar tissue with their eyes sewn shut in such a crude manner that puffy flesh was held out in place by the stitches giving the impression of bloodied pouting lips. At their side was a man with a rusted buzz saw blade bisecting their chest vertically and several large rail road nails puncturing their jaw and throat.

Then there was a pair of women, European in origin with wire pulling open her throat exposing her vocal cords and a large nail going clean through the bridge of their nose while the other had a spiked ring and wires which held back the flesh of her head from her brows upwards exposing her skull bellow while being firmly anchored into her shoulders. The final humanoid was one that was firmilular to Izuku and Momo especially, it was the burn scarred man, half his flesh melted off but the nails still driven into the side of his head which held flesh, his latex suit now melted to his body acted like a grotesque second skin which seemed to fuse into their body in several locations.

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