The USJ part 1

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Darkest Hero

Q and A time

Q: is bakago going to face legal consequences for his actions?

A: trust me, he will get what is coming to him later.

Q: so, how long until Shigi is gonna realise how fucked he is?

A: its shigiraki. The guy has zero awareness some times.

Q: what happened with Overhoe? He showed up a few chapters back and just vanished?

A: currently Angel Dust is trying to track them down so Eri can have revenge on the bastard.

Q: is bakugo gonna be hiding in the trunk of the bus?

A: nope.


Chapter 35: The USJ part 1

Izuku was for once glad his girlfriends were occupied allowing him a small amount of time to reflect on the events that lead upto the present. Charlie was usually the first to catch onto him and try distracting him so he wouldn't feel bad but given she was talking with Momo and Toru a few seats back he believed he was in the clear for now.

"Say Midoriya." Tsuyu croaked as she leant over the back of his seat crushing any hope of izuku having some quiet time. "I like to say what's on my mind kero. Your quirk seems an awful lot like Endevor's are you two related?"

At this Shoto did a spit take in shock as he quickly sat up while Midoriya's eyes went wide as he shook his hands in denial. "N-no! We're not related." They both shot back.

"Their quirks may be similar but endevor's flames aren't green and they don't melt the flesh off his face leaving just muscle, also sure that unless he hides them well enough Endevor doesn't have horns." Shinso pointed out tiredly as he rested his head on the seat infront of him.

"Yeah Charlie kinda helped me style my hair like this to hide them." Izuku chuckled nervously. His horns honestly hadn't become visible through his hair until a few days into the school term and he completely forgot he even had them to begin with.

"You're still my adorable Izu though!" Charlie called brightly making the teen blush.

"True." Tsu hummed. "But they're still pretty simular and really powerful kero. All my quirk does is make me a frog."

"Thats not true." Izuku pointed out as he pulled a notebook from thin air momentarily making everyone think he somehow got Momo's quirk before they quickly paid it no attention. "From what I've seen you may possess frog like agility and swimming skills but your tongue can easily lift atleast 80kg given you practically threw Sero around the training grounds with it last week. If my theory is right you also may be able to spit a paralitic agent or even a skin irritant."

"Thats kinda creepy kero." Tsu deadpanned.

"Sorryitsjustquirksaremyhobbyandi'mreallysorryificameacrossascreepyitwasntmyintentioni'msorry!" Izuku pelted out rapidly with a nervous blush and his dead ducked down.

"He's not lying." Jirou pointed out having heard the entire conversation with her own quirk. "He has something like 10 books on quirks he has filled out on his desk, if he wasn't in hero course he would probably be the top student with support or general studies."

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