Meddle not with Nezu

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Darkest hero

Welcome back, enjoy whatever snack you're eating and watch out for the typos.

So as per the norm, welcome to Q and A!

Q: Was that Miruko and Daisy?

A: yes.

Q: who is Glumbor and Norm and where are they from?

A: they're a pair of gnomes from the Gravity Falls series.

Q: uh is Miruko gonna be added to the pairings?

A: maybe.

Q: we gonna get more Loona time?

A: yes.

Chapter 49: meddle not with Nezu

Inko hummed to herself as she walked upto the front door of her mortal friend's house, a momentary twinge of worry stabbed through her, wondering if she would be welcomed or shunned before she steeled herself and knocked on the door. The sound of cursing and a bedroom door flinging open caused Inko to giggle slightly, Mitsuki always wanted more kids but for some reason never could manage after her son was born.

"What?" The blonde woman growled as she flung open the door clad in nothing but a bath robe. "Inks?!"

"Hi mit-chan. Can I come in or do I need to climb up the toilet pipe?" Inko asked, a small smile adorning her face.

"Holy shit! Come in, come in." Mitsuki grinned as she pulled Inko inside. "Hey babe! Inko's back!"

"Seriously?!" Masura shouted from his room.

"WHY WOULD I LIE YOU MORON?!" Mitsuki shouted.

"It's good to see you again Mits." Inko smiled softly. "Seriously thankyou for watching my son for me."

"No problem, now how was heaven?" Mitsuki asked.

"Heaven?" Inko giggled. "Oh Mitsuki sweety, I didn't go to heaven."

"Oh, I, I'm so sorry Inks I didn't know." Mitsuki gasped softly.

"Oh it's all good." Inko waved it off as they sat around the small coffee table in the lounge room. "It's part of what I need to talk to you and your husband about if that's ok?"

"Sure." Mitsuki nodded before shouting. "MORON! GET YOUR ASS HERE FOR A TALK!"

"Oh Mit-chan." Inko gave a nervous chuckle, for years she had wondered why she got along with Mitsuki so we'll despite being so different but it now makes sense due to having her full memories back.

"Oh you weren't kidding." Masura uttered as he walked in wearing a pair of shorts and a ruffled shirt.

"So, first off thankyou both for watching my son after my death." Inko smiled softly at the two as Masura sat down next to his wife. "Seriously I'll repay you both for that."

"Hey there's no need Inks, he was better behaved than our brat." Mitsuki waved it off.

"Still I don't feel right not giving you something back for watching him." Inko stated as a quill and paper appeared before her which she proceeded to write on. "Look I'm going to be honest I'm a big shot down in hell and you two sure as caine won't make it into heaven with how CHERUB is running things, this is essentially a good service down there that's trying to fix things."

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