Omake 1 and vote

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Darkest Hero

Okay, so for those who were expecting the USJ sorrynotsorry but that will have to be put off for a bit due to a split in ideas on how to proceed.

Please pick which option you want to see and put it in the comments, this is the only chapter to decide how it will proceed with the story and you will have 7 days after this chapter is published before the voting will end and work begins on the next chapter. that day is the 14th April AUD time.

Path 1: Shigiraki manages to get into the USJ as normal and the usual happens as per cannon.

Path 2: Shigiraki decided to bring the puzzle with him to amuse himself in the event Nomu takes longer than expected to kill All Might and summons the cenobites which reveals the supernatural.

Path 2-A: cenobites drag shigiraki off and leaves the class stranded in Limbo before they escape into hell and then to earth.

Path 2-B: A third party such as Lucifer, Alister, an angel or other being interferes and drives the cenobites back allowing the class to escape.

Path 3: Shigiraki arrives, tries his usual skit but catches the ire of Inko for messing with Izuku and his friends. Inko goes full mumma bear and shreds the walking hand job and Toga has fun ripping into the villains. Eri finds Nomu adorable and adopts it as a pet.

Path 3-A: Shigiraki dies, a blood soaked Inko starts doting on a shocked Izuku.

Path 3-B: shigiraki gets away and tells AFO what happened. Said villain is shitting himself in fear but Shigiraki misinterprets what is said and decides to attack again at a different time.

Path 4: USJ doesn't happen, the villains use the press trespassing to launch an attack on the entire school using outside help.

Path 4-A: the outside help is supernatural in origin and Nezu goes full psycho with the school's defenses on the intruders giving the students full permission to fight back.

Path 4-B: the outside help is wild demons and Nezu orders a full evacuation, choosing to stay behind to fight them off with a few teachers and possibly older students long enough for the big guns to arrive.

Path 4-C: the help is the remains of the precepts of death who joined the league of villains after the death of Kai and Eri's disappearance.

Path 4-D: the help is the ones who planted the bombs a few chapter back. They will still show up later even if this option isn't chosen.

Omake 1: The Cute Club.

We open on a small table at which we find Eri, a creepy red haired doll with freckles, a small reptilian like creature with grey and tan scales and large floppy ears, what could only be described as a evil carnivorous hedgehog with red eyes that was only a foot tall, a small girl with grey skin and long black hair which was soaking wet and covering her face and a pair of blonde twins in matching white dresses.

With a proud smile Eri banged a gavel made of a skull on the table. "Let the group of all things cute begin! First order of stuff, who found something cute they want to share?"

"Snow...snow! White!" The reptilian creature rasped with a mad chuckle, holding up a movie reel titled Snow White and the seven dwarves.

"We shall have movie night then." Eri nodded.

"Yeyeyeye. Pop. Corn." The creature cackled as it tapped its thin wiry claws across the reel casing.

"Jangah meat." The hedgehog croaked as it held a ripped ET plush head in its stumpy three fingered hand.

"Ooh, you ripped it clean off." Eri awed with a bright smile. "You get a cookie later mister Crite."

"YAAAHHH!" The hedgehog creature called a Crite cheered as it hopped about in place.

"We found this." The twins replied in a unified monotone as they held up a severed hand between them, a bloodied knife still held in it's grip as it tried to swing it.

"Its alright but where is the rest of the body?" Eri asked curiously.

"A cabin full of deadites, the last owner chopped it off with a chainsaw." They simply replied as they lowered the hand back out of sight making Eri shrug.

"Okay, Kayako what did you find?" Eri asked as she turned to the wet haired girl.

The girl merely gave a throaty crackling groan as the shoved her hand into her mouth and started to pull out a long chain. Eri smiled and clapped politely when the chain was finally out revealing a loveheart shaped pendant on the end with a small red gem in its center.

"Oh my gosh that would look so good on you, we can do dress up later yeah?" Eri asked. Kayako mealy stared at the white haired girl before nodding slightly. "Miss Anabell did you-?"

"No." The deep baritone of the demonic doll replied bluntly, cutting off Eri mid question. It was honestly fed up with being dragged around to this kind of thing. All its attempts to kill anyone failed miserably.

"Aww maybe next time. Besides that white bunny with sharp teeth you found last week was the bestest! He even got rid of that Knight who keeps annoying mummy!" Eri beemed with a large grin. Anabell with internally screaming with anger, not even the beast of Caernnabog had been able to kill her, the girl merely hugged it tightly enough while cooing at it until it started acting like a damned pet instead of the most foul, cruel and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

"Do you want to play a game?" The white faced doll asked with a raspy man's voice.

"Maybe later mister Jigsaw, we don't have enough people for your fun games yet." Eri pouted. "Did you find anything cute?"

"I have." The doll rasped as it slowly pulled a picture from its pocket. "A cat."

"Ohmygoshthisisthebestthingever." Eri muttered out rapidly with an adoring look on her face. "Where is this fluff ball. I must have it!"

"Leave my cat alone." Jigsaw scoffed.

"Get him!" Eri shouted as everyone tried to dogpile the tricycle riding doll which sped out of the room. "Nooo! We must have the fluffy!"

"You'll never catch me bitch!" Jigsaw cackled as he sped down the hallway on their trike only to slam into a foot. Looking up the doll gulped nervously at the green haired female being looking down on him with black eyes. "Oh fuck."

"What did you say to my daughter?" The woman asked with a strained tone and twitching eye.

"Why me." Jigsaw squeaked in fright as the woman descended upon him. The screams were heard well beyond the borders of Pentagram city and of corse the cenobites took it as an challenge and made just as much noise back. Some say you can still hear Jigsaw's pained screams of agony echoing through the ash wastes to this day.

Omake End.



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