Fight Like Hell part 1

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Darkest Hero

Welcome back to a new chapter of Darkest Hero. Some people may be wondering why this took so long to update, the answer is simple. I SUCK at writing fight scenes and rewrote this several times being deciding screw it, I'm going with what I've got this far.

Q and A time just to kick of with the normal stuff as it were.

Q: just how cannon are the shorts to the story???

A: Eri's cute Club ones are cannon, the Christmas one was non cannon.

Q: Uh, so given that overhoe's organisation got curb stomped by Inko, the LoV got smashed by a couple cenobites and the damned icon of sin and Slayer just showed up, where do things go from this?!

A: honestly, I am unsure if there WILL be many more threats, this story may come to a close in the next few chapters, all depending on what people think of course, and as such beyond IoS, the HSC and AFO there isn't really any major villains planned for this story.

Chapter 56: Fight Like Hell part 1

Could this day of gotten any worse? This was a common thought for many of the Fleeing citizens through the prefecture. Not even four minutes between the initial appearance of the creature and the arrival of the responding heroes saw the casualties reach the thousands. Sadly many of those heroes were nothing but fodder to the demons and merely added to the death toll. Mt. Lady was barely holding her own, the creatures had swarmed up her legs and were tearing at her skin. She didn't even hold a candle to the larger one, she had even gotten desperate and thrown a abandoned truck at it but nothing seemed to break through its armored hide.

Currently however she was barely holding back the horde as she tried to keep the creatures that just kept coming from getting onto the rail system where the few survivors were fleeing towards. With a grunt of anger she brought down her foot on one of the large fat things with gun arms and hissed in pain as volatile and extremely hot liquids splashed up her shin. The only other heroes she knew who were still alive in this mess were Endeavor who had just arrived, Snipe who had boxed himself at the entrance to an old WW2 bomb shelter while protecting civilians inside and Hawks who was trying to deal with the fat flying things who were burping up purple fireballs.

She had already seen Uwambi ripped to shreds by the creatures and the less said about what happened to edgeshot when the larger ones with red skin and horns got to him the better. With a snarl she swatted another group of the orange skinned lanky ones from the support beams that held up the train tracks. Excruciating pain radiated from the middle of her back as she let loose a howl of pain and fell to the ground hard enough that she set off car alarms.

"W-what? Why can't I feel my legs?!" She shouted in confused pain as her legs refused to move. "WHY CANT I FEEL MY LEGS?!"

The sound of cracking bone and ripping flesh filled her ears as a vague sensation of tugging was felt along her back. She pulled herself up as best she could with her arms and turned herself and wished she didn't right after as she gagged in horror. Her spine was blatantly sticking out her back and one of those red things that was only half her height was trying to pull the rest out.

She didn't have a chance to react to this sight before the creature's head was launched from its shoulders in a shower of blood and bone, the body flopping uselessly onto the ground, crushing a mailbox as it fell. Leaping through the gore looked to be Miruko clad in some sort of green armor. With a thud the woman hit the ground before turning to face the oncoming wave of creatures. They skidded to a halt, some even recoiling back from her mere presence.

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