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Darkest hero


Jlargent: yes it will be agreed to not let the rodent into the afterlife for fear of armageddon.

Triton0501: need i remind you that in BNHA if you don't have a heroic/useful quirk then society treats you like crap. Izuku got assaulted daily by a student with the ability to create nitroglycerine based explosions and nobody did a thing to help him or stop the damage unless bakugo was effecting those with quirks too as seen when the teacher at Aldera tells him to knock it off and settle down only after the rest of the class gets distracted yet not while Izuku has his desk exploded and notebooks burnt. Villainous quirks are also frowned upon such as the case with Toga who's parents shunned her due to her quirk making her crave blood, they could of just bought it pretty cheap from a butcher's (I should know, it is useful when cooking certain things such as blood pudding) the only reason the media lost their shit was due to the fact that these were UA students ergo they had good quirks which given the MLA controls a portion of the media means they would obviously blow up at the heroes for it and try to undermine them. Please don't sprout the entire "youre over reacting, nobody acts that way" thing if you don't bother checking how the universe works. America is considered a hell-hole in BNHA by the japanese due to public and casual quirk use but as we see in the flashbacks it is just modern America but with flying cars and the occasional villain just like Japan has. It would be a bit like you saying Paw Patrol doesn't work the way it does because dogs can't drive.

4597Boss: yeah HIM may be a touch too hard to write the only times they loose seem to be when dealing with a trio of super powered girls who are capable of leveling cities just by playing as seen in the power puff girls movie. I don't think anything short of All Might can even scratch HIM.

Qazse: sorry can't help with Alastor's name there, my auto correct keeps changing it to Alister and I have given up, even to get that one right spelling i had to edit it six times to get it to stick.

Chapter 13: IMP

Bakugo growled in anger as he glared at the blank padded metal door infront of him. After the red haired Alister had left Cementos had shunted him into a detainment room to wait for the cops to show up, something about stupid procedures.

"Fucking Rock headed bastard." Bakugo snarled to himself as he turned his attention to the quirk nullifying shackles that were on his wrists and linked by another chain to a bench which was bolter to the floor.

"Oh how the rising star crumbles." A snide voice taunted. Standing in the corner of the cell was a red and white skinned being barely taller than he was with large black horns that were striped with white segments. They were wearing a black tuxedo with red tie and pink undershirt. "I don't normally deal with this shit personally but that asshole Stolas got hungry again so I flew the coop." They shuddered.


"Pft, I'm from hell Dumbass." The being snorted a laugh. "Now, you have two options, one calm the fuck down and live! Two, I put a hole right between your eyes and feed you to Stolas."

"You wouldn't dare you shitty extra!" Bakugo growled.

"Try me." The being glared as they pulled a metallic grey revolver from the inside of the front of their pants, drastically reducing any previous bulge.

Bakugo growled darkly before the door was slammed open making the being jump and fumble slightly with the revolver.

"What are you doing here Blitzo?" Charlie asked sternly as Vaggie pulled out her spear.

The now named Blitzo replied, "simply put, kid has a hit on him with a provision that if he behaves then he gets to live. Also, do NOT pronounce the O in my name."

Darkest HeroWhere stories live. Discover now