Less Bombs Hopefully part 1

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Darkest Hero

So before the usual question and answer segment, someone has been spamming review requests for a story under a quest account to avoid spam notices from the admins so just avoid this story:

www dot fanfiction dot net/s/14011295/1/Caillou-Montana

Now on with the usual questions and answers segment.

Q: Why hasn't the Ao3 version been updated?

A: honestly i got a soft ban of a few months as somebody reported the story for cult like material and other Satanist themes, I'll be able to update again come march 4th.

Q: William Afton going to show up more?

A: not sure, this was probably just a one time reference.

Q: can we include FNAF characters for the pairing?

A: no, I draw the line at that for the level of creepy in this story.

Q: Miruko related to the Slayer or Daisy?

A: *loads shotgun with malicious intent* yes.

Q: Fav fanfic writers to recommend?

A: tough one, on wattpad I would recommend nekos21 aka Trolkastel Piece or on Fanficion they go as Reader566, they write some pretty good crossovers for BNHA just be aware they are translated from Spanish so there may be one or two odd phrases every couple of chapters. For Fanfiction I would recommend sakurademonalchamist or Quartermass as they both write some pretty good stories even if you do have to do a bit of searching through how many they have for the right one.

Q: who were the two lava and ice women from a few chapters back?

A: look up Snow Miser female cover animated, its them.

Q: so, what exactly is Nezu?

A: normally this is the part where id be cryptic but nobody seems to of been paying attention to the references the rodent has been making as to what he really is in each chapter he was in. All I will say is God have mercy on everything and the tree knows.

Q: who or what is laying the bombs?!

A: wait and see, they'll pop up eventually.


A: ... I hate you so much for putting that back in my head.

Chapter 27: less bombs hopefully part 1

Aizawa growled in anger as he glared at the most prominent annoyance on the campus who was currently snuggled upto him in his own sleeping bag.

"Joke get the fuck out of my stuff." Aizawa growled in anger, wishing for once that his quirk was optical lasers so he could glare the clown themed hero to death.

"Mfluufy zaweh." Joke muttered, half asleep as she rolled over, snuggling upto the sleeping bag bound teacher.

"Fucking hell get up! I have class in half an hour!" Aizawa shouted right in Ms Joke's ear making the woman screech in pain as she bolted upright clutching her ear. This unfortunately had the added effect of flipping Aizawa face first into the break room coffee table.

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