Calls and Mineta's Fright

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Darkest Hero

Q and A segment has begun.


A: Who else better fit the Bill?

Q: The LoV is screwed isn't it?

A: Yes.

Q: Petition to have Kai strung up by his nads and wrapped in barbed wire and salt?

A: what do you think Inko did to him?

Chapter 43: Calls and Mineta's fright

Momo hummed softly as she went about cooking up S'mores for people while Izuku was trying to help Eri who insisted that she wanted to help. The small girl had a look of pure concentration on her face as she slowly turned a metal poker with a marshmallow on the end, the heat from the fire transfering into the rod not that either minded the temperature of it. Although none of them realised it, Alister and Inko were cooing at them while recording the cooking attempt using an old wind up film reel camera from a balcony that overlooked the main dining area, the same balcony that happened to lead to the poker room where several piles of poker chips were set up for later.

Ochako and Kyoka were helping Tsu tie up her hair so she didn't wrap herself in it during her sleep and Shoto was off to the side using ice to chill his S'more before taking a bite much to the horror of Mina and Kirishima who called him a monster for doing so. Thirteen who had been patched up by Charlie was trying to keep order amongst Rieko, Kira, tokoyami and Saji who had taken it upon themselves to try and gross out Angel dust who was trying just as hard. Bakugo was off in his corner blockaded behind a pair of upturned tables while Nifty tried to peak over but was sadly too short to annoy the blonde. Iida was bundled up in one corner, eyes wide and shaking in fear while Kendo tried to calm him down enough to be rational.

Charlie herself was on the phone in her office trying to calm down Vaggie, Ibara and Loona since they had been gone the entire day now.

A loud explosion shook the building violently followed by twin laughter from a male and female voice.


"Uh everything good?" Ibara asked, concern lacing her words.

"Yeah unfortunately there was a teeny tiny little problem of Mei meeting Baxter." Charlie gave a nervous laugh.

"There goes the insurance premium." Vaggie could be heard sighing in the background.

"Uh j-just make sure you and izu-sama are safe. If not...well I guess pink bitch is on the menu." Ibara growled softly.

"Hey no eating people." Charlie scolded, pointing at the floor knowing full well Ibara couldn't see her. "Wild ones only, okay?"

"Alright fine." Ibara's pout could easily be heard in her words. "We should probably let you guys get to sleep anyway, see you all soon."

"Seeya later Ibara, you and Vaggie keep Loona out of trouble." Charlie smiled softly.

"Fuck off." Loona snorted in mild amusement in the background. "The damned rat made me swap my rounds for rubber ones."

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