49: The final fight

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TW: Fighting, a little mentioned blood

Logan finds Cass and Virgil, fighting. Virgil knocks out Cass but he is already under control. Logan has to stop him from blowing up the school, which would kill so many people. 

Logan runs through the seemingly endless hallways, searching for a sign. Any sign. Something that can lead him to Virgil.

"Logan? You in a rush for something?" Roman asks as Logan skids to a halt as to not run into him.

"Yes, obviously. Have you by any chance seen Virgil or Cass anywhere?" he asks, hoping Roman even knows who Cass is.

"Oh- yeah? Cass is that really plain-looking kid that follows Rosa around like a lost puppy, right?" Roman asks.

Logan nods.

"He went that way, off to the roof I think," Roman says, pointing down the hall.

"Thank you." Logan sprints off again, leaving Roman a little confused.

He races through the halls, checking every classroom on his way, just to be sure. His feeling of dread grows with each empty classroom. Soon, Logan finds himself on the roof. And just as Roman had said, there was Cass. And Virgil.

"Wow, you got here sooner than expected. Didn't know you had it in you to beat up a little girl," Cass says.

"She's two years older and four inches taller. She isn't little," Logan says. "Now. Let. Him. Go."

"Hmm, let me think about that," Cass says with a smirk. "No. He's too far gone anyway. You'll never get him back."

Logan feels his heart skip a beat. What did he mean, too far gone? What did he do to him?

"You can't stop me from trying." Logan has a look of fury and determination in his eyes. But Cass merely grins and turns his back. His mistake.

Logan lifts his hands, palms facing Cass. He sets off an explosion, knocking both of them in opposite directions.

But that was a mistake. Logan soon sees that with Cass now unconscious, he has no idea how to either wake up Virgil or what their plan is.

"Virgil? Virgil please wake up," Logan begs as he sits down next to him. He was only hit on the head, he shouldn't be passed out for this long.  

Logan starts to panic a little. Nothing makes sense and he's worries his boyfriend might be injured. The words 'Too far gone' circle his head over and over, taunting him with their ominous mystery.

Then, Logan senses a little movement. Virgil's hand starts to twitch. A great sense of relief floods through Logan.

But that feeling leaves just as quickly as it came when Virgil grabs his arm, making its temperature drop in a split second, making Logan yelp in pain and back away.

"Virgil?" he asks.

The person in front of him was indeed Virgil, but his eyes are dead and cold and he shows no recognition of his own boyfriend. 

"Virgil, please. I know it's you. I don't know what they did to you but I know you're still there," Logan pleads. He's less sure than he is blindly hopeful.

If Virgil is somehow still conscious, he doesn't show it. Instead, he punches Logan in the chest, knocking him backwards and to the ground.

Logan gets back as quick as he can, struggling a little to breathe. He faces Virgil, trying to force adrenaline through his body for a strength boost.

"Don't ignore me just yet," he says.

Virgil turns around and faces Logan again. He squares up, assessing him and viewing him as a roadblock. But for some reason, his body seems to hesitate in a way the currently conscious mind can't figure out. But he doesn't care, as long as it doesn't get in the way of his one goal: Destroy the building. That's all. That's what he needs to do. That's what he's been researching to do. Right? Virgil's mind feels like it's been covering in a layer of fuzz, making it hard to think through.

Their fight is very different from Logan's previous fight with Rosa. While that was a dance of offense and defense, this is an brute force versus whatever Logan has left. Wit, determination, and a small amount of energy.

So they clash. Virgil shows an extreme amount of skill, using so many different applications of their shared power. Surely some of, if not most of these abilities are forbidden, Logan thought.

Then, when it seemed their fight had reached it's climax, with both opponents worn, bruised, a bloody, they face each other once again, as they had at the start. A few feet separate them as they hold out their fists, neither one making an obvious move.

Virgil makes a face of fury as he forces power to surge through him.

And In a moment where Logan's mind looses control to his body, Logan feels a force of pure energy swell through him, energizing every cell. He's never felt this great, like light is healing every part of his body all at once. 

It courses through him, starting at his palms and circulating to his head and heart before shooting itself out through his fingertips.

In a bright, beautiful display of lightning hitting lightning, the two boys powers are matched. One cursed. The other gifted. They have the same power, yet have utilized it in such different ways. Logan takes a deep breath, in and out. His lightning glows in the color of the spectrum and overpowers Virgil's.

Then they fall to the ground. It seems as though the world was dark, though that only lasts a few seconds as Logan's grip on the light fades. He sinks to his knees, knowing it's a wonder he still has enough energy to move. His glasses clatter to the side, cracked.

He crawls over to Virgil, looking at the burns on his arms and chest. A tear of guilt slips down Logan's face. How could he do such a thing?

"V-Virgil?" he asks.

The boy in front of him lets out a small groan.

"Logan?" he whispers.

"Yes, yes it's me. Are you okay? Breathing? Is it really you?" Logan asks.

"Mm. Kinda. Everything hurts. I doubt you can see- where are your glasses?" Virgil asks, his voice a scratchy whisper.

"I'm near-sighted, not blind," Logan says with a sad smile, remembering a similar scenario with much lower stakes. He wishes that was the way it was now.

Tears slip down both of the boys faces.

Hey! An on-time chapter for once! We have officially reached the climax here, folks! I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts, feedback, questions, and more in the comments. Have an incredible day/night you magnificent peep!

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