7: Two Sides

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*Logan POV*

"Hey, Logan! Sit with us at lunch today?" Janus asks.

"Sure," I say.

Today is Monday. I still haven't found anything out about the book they stole.

"Great! I've been learning about serial killers!" Remus says.

"As have I. I've also been researching the world wars and everything behind the scenes," I say.

"Oooh! Is it gory?" Remus asks.

I nod.

"Logan! Lo, what're you doing?" Patton asks from behind me.

"See ya," Janus says.

"Salutations, Patton," I say.

"Why were you talking to them?" he asks.

"Because they're the only other people besides you and Roman that talk to me," I say.

"You should stay away from them. They're dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt, kiddo!" Patton says.

"How could they be dangerous?" I ask.

"They study the forbidden forms of energy manipulation. Like people's bodies and minds. It's forbidden for a reason," Patton says.

"And they could very easily master it. Unless we let Logan stay with them and gather intel," Roman says, coming up to us.

"Are you suggesting I spy on them?" I ask.

"Yes," Roman says, "For the sake of everyone here. It might only be a rumor, but I've known them long enough to know it's true. Duke and I live in the same hometown. On the same street,"

"I'll sit with them," I say.

The bell rings. It's time for lunch.

I grab some food and sit down by Janus, Virgil, and Remus.

"Hello," Janus says.

"Salutations," I say.

"So what's with you and the teacher's pets?" he asks.

"They're my dormmates and friends," I say.

"You must not have many friends then," Janus says.

"Why don't you like them?" I ask, "I know you said that they are stuck-up and teacher's pets, but that doesn't seem to add up," 

"Well, aren't you observant," Janus says, "But you're right. That was just an excuse. A while ago they started a bunch of rumors about us. The one that hurt the most was when-"

He cuts himself off.

"You can tell him. Everyone else already heard it, I- I don't care," Virgil says.

Janus nods. I can tell he really cares about Virgil's wellbeing.

"The one that hurt the most was the one they spread about where Virgil goes when he leaves swim class. He really just hates the water, but they told everyone that he's sneaking off to learn illegal manipulation. We may be more ruthless with our manipulation skills, but we'd never sink that low," Janus says.

"Yeah! I just cause explosions for the fun of it! I never intentionally hurt anyone that doesn't bother me," Remus says.

"You don't need to justify it, everyone gets provoked. And I'm just... disappointed that they did that," I say.

Virgil smiles weakly. It's a cute smile. Objectively.

"Thanks. Now, I'm sure you and Remus have a discussion about serial killers waiting?" he says.

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