43: Romantic Angst

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One week of them all being back in classes, and the weather began to fluctuate. The day previous had been fairly warm, while today is rather cold.

Logan sits in his dorm, at his desk, doing his homework. Well, not so much homework as it is bonus work he wants to do. Because Logan is that type of person.

"Hey Lo! Wanna go down to the kitchens?" Patton asks, skipping into the dorm. "It'll be sweet!"

"I- no. Especially not with a pun like that," Logan says.

"Aww, c'mon! You like math, we can make a pi pie! They're easy as, well, pie!" Patton says.

Logan lets out a small sigh.

"Logan, you've been on your computer all day! Besides, baking is also learning," says Patton.

"I suppose," Logan admits, standing up and stretching a little. He never had great posture at his computer.

They walk down to the kitchens and Patton opens the door.

"I asked the kitchen ladies beforehand, and they said we can bake as long as we use the student material," Patton explains.

Logan nods. The student baking supplies were used mostly for the FACS class and culinary club, both of which Patton actively participated in. So he knows his way around the kitchen extremely well.

"So what do ya want to bake first?" Patton asks.

Logan shrugs.

"Something simple, that's it." 

"Alrighty! How about cream puffs?" Patton suggests.

"Sure," says Logan in a monotone voice. He is all but interested in baking.

As Patton gets out the ingredients and Logan preps the stove, they talk for a bit. Nothing that exciting, just chat.

But the tone slowly changes while the cream puff shells are cooling a little while later.

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone?" Patton asks.

"One person," Logan says.

Not anyone before Virgil. It was only Virgil he had developed feelings for.

"Oh? Well, I have a crush too," Patton says, blushing a bit.

"Who?" Logan asks, not extremely curious.

"You. Logan I... I love you," Patton admits, his cheeks going pink.

Logan blinks.

"Okay," he says.

He's not sure what to do- he is literally dating Virgil and he never considered Patton anything more than a friend.

"So- will you go on a date with me?" Patton asks, looking up at Logan so hopefully, there might as well have been stars in his eyes.

"I can't." Logan tries to explain.

Patton looks at Logan and thinks he understands. Logan's lack of emotional know-how in these sorts of situations.

So he kisses him.

Logan goes deep red and pushes Patton off of him.

"I- I need to go. I apologize," he mutters, speedwalking out of the kitchen.

Patton looks at him, crestfallen. He had asked Roma earlier in the day what he should do. He followed the steps exactly, taking into account Logan's lack of social awareness even. He felt he was ready. He thought Logan liked him back.

But he was wrong.

He falls to his knees, hot tears streaming down his face. He didn't entirely know why. Logan never said 'no', right? So was there still a chance? Or is he just grasping at straws?

He needs to talk to someone about this. Someone who understands. Roman wouldn't- he's never been turned down in his life.


Meanwhile, Logan speedwalks right to the dorm floor. He goes to Virgil's door and knocks, hoping he's in there.

"Virgil? I need to talk with you," Logan says, knocking on the door.

"Virgie's not here right now, whaddya' need?" asks Remus as he opens the door.

"To talk with him," Logan says bluntly.

"Well, I have no clue where he is." Remus shrugs.

Logan nods.


He wants to talk with Virgil about what just happened. It's the only logical solution, in case a bystander or Patton got the wrong idea and start spreading falsehoods.

Logan wanders around the campus for nearly an hour until he spots Virgil down by the lake. He's watching some other students skate.

"Hello," says Logan, greeting him as I sit on the semi-frozen ground next to him.

"Hey." he glances over at Logan.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Logan asks.

"Sure," Virgil says, standing up and adjusting his hoodie a little.

"You should wear something thicker. It's only twenty degrees out today," Logan advises.

"Meh. I'm fine," Virgil shrugs.

Logan raises an eyebrow and pulls up Virgil's hood. 

They walk around the paths, looking around and making small talk. Then Logan brings up what he was planning on talking about in the first place.

"Virgil, we need to reveal our relationship to the others," he states.

Virgil looks a little taken aback.

"Why? Won't the others get really mad?" he asks.

Logan nods.

"Maybe some of them will. But-" he sighs. "Earlier today Patton told me he had a crush on me. Then he kissed me."

Virgil freezes.

"I- let me think about it," he says, walking away.

Logan nods.

"Take your time," he says.

"Yeah yeah yeah," Virgil mutters, unconsciously repeating himself.

Logan looks worriedly at his boyfriend. The whole situation with Patton has him confused and worried Virgil might get upset at him.

Virgil wanders off, feeling his stomach in knots and his heart just feeling every emotion it shouldn't. His breathing quickens and he looks for a place to sit down and sort out the mess in his head. 

Someone kissed his boyfriend. Someone he trusted. But it's his fault for not wanting to tell anyone of his relationship. Did Logan like it? What if he likes Patton better than me? I wouldn't blame him... But what would the others say if they knew he was dating someone they don't like too much?

He looks around and finds a corner of the building that nobody is near. He immediately runs to it, tugging up his hood to warm himself up, with the tears he didn't even notice in his eyes starting to freeze. Is he really this sensitive?

He crouches down, holding his head in his hands. He feels a rush of energy that feels somewhat similar to a spike of fear. It's unusual and exhilarating. 

Then he realizes it. 

He looks at his hoodie, where the sleeves are now burned and frayed. He summoned lightning. He'd been trying for- he didn't even remember how long- but this was the first time he did it for real.

It is Wednesday my dudes- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Holiday break is coming up soon, which means more time for me to procrastinate writing, lol. The next chapter is gonna be fluffy for everyone but Virgil hehe >:D. I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a fabulous day/night you magnificent peep!

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