30: A little more fluff and Analogical but with a sprinkle of angst

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*Logan POV*





"What. Did. He. Just. Say?" I growl, glowering at Roman with more emotion than I've ever allowed myself to feel before.

"He dated me and Virgil, and dumped both of us! Poor Virgie was completely shattered!" Vick shouts.

"You broke up with me and were super bad!" Roman shouts.

But Vick has already left.

"You dated Virgil," I say.

I want to punch him in the jaw again.

"Yes, what about it? It's not like you even talk to him, so why do you care?" Roman asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't," I lie.

Virgil's always been timid, but I just assumed it was social anxiety. But someone still not over a breakup could be quick to fall in love again, or never do it. Roman screwed up an amazing person, I don't doubt.

"Alright, kiddos let's just go to bed and forget about this!" Patton says.

"No, I want to hear why Logan seems like he cares so much," Roman says.

"Roman-" Patton says in a warning tone.

"Really? Because I'd like to know why you insist on being a bully to anyone who doesn't bow to you," I snap back.

"I am not that egotistical! Sorry I don't like you're as high-and-mighty as you think you are!" Roman says.

I clench my fists.

"Oh, gonna fight me again? You know that will only end up bad for the both of us," Roman says, taunting me.

I feel fury boil up inside me.

Then all the lights in the room go blindingly bright, right before the bulbs burst.

Roman shields himself quickly to avoid being the victim of fallen glass. I do the same. After all the glass has fallen both he and Patton look at me in shock.

"Don't provoke me again." Is the only thing I say before turning around and going to my bed.

"How- I- but-" Patton stutters.

"Patton- just go to bed-" Roman says slowly.

I ignore them.


In the morning, I hear Patton and Roman whispering about me before I get up. 

"I'm telling you, he's probably dangerous. Just- please be careful around him, Pat. I don't want anything to happen to you," Roman says.

"Thanks, Ro. Should we go get breakfast now?" 

"Yeah, let's go," Roman says.

I hear them get up and I shut my eyes.

After they leave, I get up. So Roman thinks I'm dangerous. I'm not shocked he thinks that way, but ability-wise he might be right. I've never been fully able to control my manipulation, although light is usually the exception. 

After about ten minutes, I go down to breakfast. Today's main meal is muffins. I grab a blueberry one and look around the cafeteria for a place to sit. This is the first time I've felt the need to.

But then Patton waves me over, gesturing for me to sit down by him.

"What are you doing?" Roman growls as I walk over.

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