35: Not-so-happy Holidays

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TW: Remy's injuries and upset Virgil

*Logan POV*

"Virgil, can you come out?" I ask.

"No," Virgil says through his door.

"I will respect your wishes but you need to come out sometime," I say.

He's seldom left his dorm since he heard about Remy. It's worrying me by this point.

"Later," he says.

I walk away and back to my dorm. It's Wednesday, near noon. Tomorrow marks the first day of our winter break. The buses to take us home are coming in around an hour.

I start my packing and notice how I'm the only one with an organized suitcase. Patton is struggling to close his and Roman's entire area is just a mess of clothes.

"Patton, you might have to fold your clothes to get them to fit. Then organize your personal items," I suggest.

"No no, I totally got this!" he says, continuing to struggle to close his suitcase.

When it pops back open again, he sighs and concedes. He starts a feeble attempt to organize. As he does so, his schedule slips out and falls to the floor, skidding across the floorboards and landing near me.

I pick it up, glancing at it.

"Hold on, there's a dance during the break? How are we supposed to-"

"Oh, it's mostly for the kids who don't get to go home," Roman explains.

I nod.

"I'm going home for the holidays too, obviously," Roman says.

"Yeah, me too! My aunt and uncle always have the best Hanukkah celebration. Although it is late this year. It actually ended on the tenth..." Patton says, frowning a little.

"You still get to celebrate once you get home, don't you?" I ask.

Patton gives a half-shrug half-nod.

"Yeah, but it's kinda like if you guys celebrated Christmas in early January. Speaking of which, what holiday do you celebrate?" he asks.

"Christmas," I say.

Patton nods again.

"Good to know," he says.

"I am mildly excited to go back home," I say.

"Oh yes, because it's absolutely terrible to go celebrate a holiday with your family," Roman says sarcastically.

"Well, it's not my fault they aren't too fond of me or my power," I say.

"Neither of them have it?" Patton asks.

"Not to my knowledge," I say.

"Hmm. That's kinda weird. Almost everyone here has at least one parent with this power. It tends to stay in families," Patton says.

"Is it a dominant or recessive trait?" I ask.

"Uh- I dunno. It's not really something we research," Patton says.

"Yeah, you're just a nerd," Roman says.

I shrug. I guess I'll check out some books from the library before I leave.

We all finish packing after about ten minutes and I check my phone for any notifications. There's none, and I decide to text Virgil.

You: I am going home for the holidays. I'll call you when I get there?

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