36: Back Home

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*Logan POV*

"Logan! Welcome home, honey!" Mom says as I enter the house.

She hugs me tightly.

"We've missed you so much! How is school? Did you make any friends? Do you like your classes?" she asks.

"Yes, things are satisfactory. I am going to go unpack. When is dinner?" I ask.

"Six. Dad should be home in about ten minutes," Mom says.

I nod and go up the stairs. It's nice to be back in my old room again. Of course, I'm not a very sentimental type of person, but this is the room I practically grew up in here. 

I sit down, dusting off my desk, and set up my computer, and plug it in. While it's charging, I text Virgil.

You: I've arrived home. Have you?

Virgil: Yea

You: That's good. How are you doing?

Virgil: Fine

You: Are you sure? Please be honest.

Virgil: I ammmmm

You: Okay. Ttyl, then?

Virgil: Yeah sure.

I smile, hoping I used the acronym correctly.

An hour passes and Mom calls me downstairs for dinner. I sit down at the table. It's almost as if nothing has changed at all. For them, the only thing that changed was a problem going away. For me, so much has.

"So how has school been going?" Mom asks as she sits down.

"It is satisfactory," I say.

"Who're your friends?" she asks.

"Three boys, Virgil, Cass, and Patton. Then a girl named Rosa," I say. I'm not ready to admit I'm gay, much less dating.

She nods.

"So what exactly is the curriculum like?" Dad asks.

"I'm in mostly accelerated classes, and there is a lot of after-school clubs that help support both my learnings and interests," I say.

"Good. These kinds of schools aren't the cheapest, although this one was..." Dad says, "Still, I want to make sure it's a good fit for you."

"It is," I assure him.

We reach a long pause before my mom asks the question I've been waiting for.

"So have you had any accidents?" she asks.

I think back to the few times I feel as though my power has felt like too much- during capture the flag, training, the fight.

"No, actually," I say.

"Good. Maybe your little curse has gone away!" Mom says with a smile.

I smile from the irony. She couldn't be further from the truth.


As I go to sleep that night, I find something bugging me. Something Patton said.

I have this power. It's strong. Much stronger than it should be for a beginner. But it seems like neither of my parents has any knowledge of its existence, in me or anyone else. 

I let out a sigh. I need to do research. A lot of research. 

I sneak downstairs and grab a cup of iced coffee my dad likes to make for the mornings.

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