14: Space

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*Logan POV*

I shove my towel and swim trunks in my locker. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and immediately flinch.

"Logan? You ok?"  

I turn around and relax a bit. It's just Patton.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you ok?" Patton repeats.

He didn't see what happened at the start of swim class, but I did. And I can't help but feel guilty and upset. I don't like these feelings.

"Yes, I am satisfactory," I say.

"Are you sure?" Patton asks.

"Yes, I am," I say firmly.

I shut my locker door and lock it up. I leave without talking with anyone else.

I get up to the library before anyone else, and choose a seat in the back of the room, slightly hidden behind a bookshelf. I pull out my book, which is a mystery novel.

I get so focused on the story that I almost miss the bell. 

I put in my bookmark and put my book back in my bag. I sling it over my shoulder and leave the library. I don't see Patton or Roman anywhere, but the hallways are crowded right now.

I manage to slip back to my dorm and set my stuff down. Then I realize I left my notebook back in the library. I'm going to have to go back through the crowded halls.

With a sigh, I grab my key and leave the dorm again. I go through the hallways, against the crowd. I manage to make it to the library and grab my notebook. 

By the time I'm halfway to my dorm, the halls have cleared out for the most part. I look around and see a few posters on the walls. I decide to take a closer look.



Join the Space Club! It's out of this world!

Space club? 






"Space club? That's for geeks," Roman says, "And not something you want to dive into. It's a mess, trust me,"

"Unlike the completely organized theater appreciation club that you are in," I say.

"Hey! I made that club and I've been trying my hardest to keep it running! It's not my fault that we constantly run out of snacks and rooms we're allowed to meet in!" Roman says.

Roman's 'theater appreciation club' was something he told me about non-stop for a week. All they do is talk about musicals twice a week. And the fact they keep getting banned from meeting in rooms shows how unorganized and chaotic they are.

"It is your fault, as you are the head of the club. It is your responsibility to maintain order," I say.

"Whatever. You still shouldn't join," Roman says, "It's like the mathletes,"

"Pardon?" I ask.

"The mathletes. Y'know, from Mean Girls," Roman says.

"What is that?" I ask.

Roman gasps in a very dramatic way.

"I am taking you to the next meeting! You need to know the glory of that musical!" he says.

"No thank you," I say.

"I already updated the group chat, you're coming," Roman says.

"I don't want to," I say.

"Too bad!" Roman says.

Before I can object further, Remy bursts in.

"Sup babes! And Logan," he says.

He goes over to his bed and I see him glaring at me through his sunglasses. I frown.

"Well, I am going to join the Space club, and you cannot stop me," I say.

"Fine. But keep it a secret, would you?" Roman asks.

"I don't see why I should," I say.

Remy groans.

"Ugh, you're so stubborn. He's just trying to help you," he says.

"Fine. I won't go around telling people about it," I say.

"Good," Romans says.

"I am going to go now, Patton told me he needs help with his abilities homework again," I say.

I grab my bag and leave.


As I walk back to the dorms with Patton, I glance at the Space club posters. It looks like meetings are every Monday and Friday. I don't care what Roman says about this club, I want to go.


"Hey, Lo, a bunch of us are gonna play kickball later, wanna come?" Patton asks.

"Kickball? What are we, 4th graders?" Roman asks.

"I thought it'd be fun!" Patton says.

Today is Monday.

"Well, where would we even get a ball and field? Plus, the rules are always changing, and we're fifteen!" Roman says.

"So what?" Patton asks.

"No thank you," I say, cutting off Patton and Roman's fight.

"What?" Patton asks.

"I don't want to go," I say.

"Oh, that's okay!" Patton says, "Roman, c'mon, let's go!"

"If you weren't so adorable I'd say no," Roman says.

"Flirting, are we?" Remy asks from the corner of the room.

"I am not!" Roman says.

"Oh, relax! I know you still aren't over dating-" Remy says.

"Shut it!" Roman growls.

He storms out of the dorm, Patton close behind him.

I decide I might as well leave now, as I still need to find my way to the room where the meeting is.

I walk downstairs, but only to the second floor. The majority of my classes are on the first, so this level is more unfamiliar. But the layout is simple. Rooms with odd numbers on the left, rooms with even numbers on the right, and lockers in between every three rooms. That is the basic layout for most of this floor, except for a few large areas, presumably for studying.

I walk down the hallways, not making eye contact with the few people in the halls. I make it to the rooms and open the door.

I walk in and look around at everyone in here. Seven other people. And Virgil is one of them.

I stiffen up.

"I- I'm in the wrong-" I start to say.

The teacher spots me and stands up.

"Oh, delightful! A new member! Come, sit, tell us your name!" she says.

"My name is Logan, but-" I try to say.

"Wonderful! You showed up right on time! Now, let's get started!" the teacher says, completely ignoring my protests.

She sits me down next to Virgil and he shifts slightly away from me. That hurts me inside and I deserve it.

Hi, this hasn't been abandoned. I'm just tired. Also I got tagged again, so you can check that out if you want. I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have an amazing day/night you magnificent peep!

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