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"Hey babe, wait up!"

Logan looks behind him to see Virgil running towards him. It's the end of the last day of school, and now many students were lining up in buses to get home. One for each state, and once they arrived at their state they'd take one to get to their county, and then a local one home. It was lucky for the school that most of the students seemed to be from the same areas. Like how there were no students from Michigan or Maine, but many from Vermont and Louisiana.

"Yeah?" Logan asks.

"I'm gonna miss you. Visit me, mkay?" Virgil hugs Logan tightly.

"I'll try. But I live in Florida, and you live in-" Logan stopped when he realized he never actually knew where Virgil lived. Only that it was somewhere on the east side of the US.

"North Carolina. Winterville, North Carolina," Virgil tells him.

Logan nods.

"I'll see what I can do," he says. "But my mother is quite- ah- distrustful of people she hasn't met," he warns.

Virgil just shrugs.

"I'll come with Patton, then. It's impossible not to like him," he says.

Logan considers it.

"You may have a point," he says.

"NOW BOARDING CAROLINAS!" Principal Thomas shouts.

"Alright, see ya, Logie!" Virgil kisses Logan quickly on the cheek and runs off.

"Goodbye!" he calls after him.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo!" Someone hugs Logan tightly from behind.

"I'll miss you too, Patton," Logan says, already guessing who it was.

"Pat, don't cling too hard," Roman says with a grin, approaching the two.

"Nah, suffocate him!" Remus pops out from behind Roman.

"Please do not-" Logan says.

"I won't, I won't," Patton assures him, clinging on for one more second before letting Logan go.

"I'm also gonna miss you guys too, though. I'm gonna be stuck with Snot-Nose here all summer," Roman says, pointing to Remus.

"Damn right you're stuck with me! Don't worry, I'm gonna tell my mom allllllllllllllll about how great this year was, and how much fun we had together!" Remus grins evilly.

"You do that and I stop taking your place to babysit your sister," Roman retorts.

"You wouldn't dare-"

"Try me."

"NOW BOARDING VIRGINIA!" a teacher shouts.

"That's us! C'mon, Disney Princess!" Remus grabs Roman's sleeve and runs over to their bus.

Not long after, Patton and Logan depart, talking only briefly with Janus. While his relationship with Virgil had gotten better and Janus apologized, Logan suspected it would never fully mend. Which he was indifferent about.


"Logan! Oh, I missed you! How was your year? Did you have any problems?" his mom asks that last part with a slight tone.

Logan sighs as he steps onto the doorstep.

"They aren't problems," he says flatly.

"Excuse me?" she turns to Logan.

Logan turns to her and fake smiles.

"I've been telling you, I don't have a curse," he says. It's half-true, and he's ready to not tell either of his parents of his powers. They don't need to know.

His mom decides to shrug this off in the spirit of her son coming home. Inside, Logan's dad hugs him and welcomes him home. He gets a cookie from the kitchen, and that's the end of his homecoming.

"Dinner at six!" his mom calls as Logan goes upstairs, back to his room.

As he walks inside, Logan lets out a sigh of relief. It has been such a long year, and he's grateful it's now summer. But still, he sets down his bags, pulls out his phone, and calls Virgil. His year was still good, for obvious reasons. But he also has another reason for calling him. Logan feels... nervous? Like there is a knot in his chest and something bugging him in the back of his brain.

"Sup, Lo."

"Salutations, Virge."

"I want to talk about something."

"Already missing me?"

"Oh, you wish."

"Woah, I'm rubbing off on you!"


One week later, and a little more talking with Virgil, and the feeling still hadn't faded. But Logan had made a list, and now he was at the bottom of it. Only one real option left to do.

He readies himself and walks downstairs, where both of his parents are watching TV.

"Mom, Dad. I want to tell you something," Logan says, taking a deep breath.

"What is it, kiddo?" his mother asks, turning down the volume.

"So you know all those accidents I used to cause? Well, over the school year I found out why. I have abilities- I can manipulate energy."

He waits for their reaction. He feels the knot grow for a few seconds until-

"I told you so. I told you that my aunt and dad could do the same thing!" his dad says triumphantly.

His mom, on the other hand just sighs a little.

"Well, I hope you've gotten some control. I didn't think what your dad used to say was possible, but here you are. And some things make more sense now," she says.

Logan smiles. This was the relief from pressure he just now realized he needed.

"Oh, also, I'm gay and I have a boyfriend. I'm going back to my room now." he darts back upstairs before they can respond. This was enough emotional feely things for him today.


Three months go by and Logan is back on a bus, on his way to school. On his way to his friends, his love, and his world.

Back to another year at Sanders School of Magic.

Ok, so I know this was probably a little disappointing end, considering how long it took. But y'know, school's just kinda whacked me in the head multiple times with its exhaustion bat. But this is officially the end of the story! I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any final thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have an absolutely splendid day/night you magnificent peep!

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