27: Checkmate

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*Virgil POV*

It's Friday night. Usually, Remus, Janus, and I would go do something either in town or on campus. But tonight I don't want to be near them, much less talk with them.

"LET'S RAID THE KITCHENS!" Remus shouts.

"What are we, Fred and George from Harry Potter?" I ask.

"I mean I'd be upset if one of you died," Remus says, shrugging.

"I would hope so-" Janus says.

"My point still stands. We don't need to raid the kitchen," I say.

Remus groans.

"Fineeee. Should we... go find that book?" he asks.

"No. Absolutely not," I say harshly.

It's MINE.

Well- not mine but I don't think letting Remus learn lightning manipulation is smart.

They stare at me.

"It- it's it's too dangerous," I say quickly.

"You're no fun," Remus pouts.

"Why don't we just go to the town? Or start making a snow fort?" Janus suggests.

"YES! Snow fort! We must prepare for battle!" Remus says, standing up in a heroic position as though he was raising a sword to the sun.

"Heh- yeah. Good luck," I say.

Janus turns to me, Remus too distracted in his own thoughts.

"Aren't you coming, Lieutenant?" he asks jokingly, "We have a snow war to start,"

"No. I- uh- have a headache," I lie.

He squints at me.

"Well, get some rest. We won't be out long, drink some water, and keep your noise-canceling headphones on," he advises.

I nod. How can he act like he cares and then tease me behind my back so easily? I don't like how easy lying is for him. And Remus is just- well- Remus. He usually says a lot of stuff he only half means.

"Remus, on to battle!" Janus says.

Remus jumps down from his bed and sprints out, Janus a second behind him.

Once they leave, I stare at the ceiling for a bit. After what feels like an eternity I get up and go down to the library. 

Once I enter, Patton looks up from his phone and waves to me.

"Hey, Virge!" he says.

"Hi." I walk over and sit down on the beanbag chair next to him.

"Want to play some chess or something?" he asks.

"Sure, I guess," I say.

We set up the board, me taking black and him taking white. I don't know why Patton likes playing so much. It's kinda boring.


A few games and me overthinking later, we're nearing the end of another game.

"Check," I say.

"Hmm." Patton frowns.

There's nowhere for him to go. So he moves his king.

"Checkmate," I say.

He smiles.

"You're good at this," he says.

"Uh- thanks," I say, "Do you want to play another round?"

"Eh. I think I've pushed my luck far enough in the game," he says.

"Ah. Well, you're not the worst, stupidest player ever," I say.

"Thanks," he says.

I turn to leave or at least pretend to browse the library.

"Oh, and Virgil?" he asks.

"What?" I ask, turning back to him.

"Thank you- for being there for me. I love making friends but somehow my only real ones are Logan and Roman. And... you," he says.

"Maybe don't cling to them like a lost puppy. There're probably other people who like you here," I say.

"Maybe..." Pattonbles.

"Hey, look at me," I say.

He looks up at me. He's just an inch or two shorter, so it's not really 'up' as it is 'makes eye contact'.

"You are probably the nicest person I've ever met, trust me when I say if you want better friends, you'll find them. But- you should give Logan another chance," I say.

"But- both of them fought," Patton says.

"Yeah, but you just met Logan. Roman could have triggered him seriously in some way," I say.

That and he is the greatest person in the world and doesn't deserve Patton to grow cold towards him. Not that I'm talking out of experience.

"True," he mumbles.


After Patton leaves, I have an opportunity to get back to the book.

I go to my little corner and pull it back out. I immediately flip to the page I've been interested in.

'Lightning manipulation, or advanced Explosive manipulation. It is highly dangerous and can easily kill the projector. However, if one does master the complex forms to use it, they can project lightning with relative ease. However, due to the danger to the projector and those around them, this form of manipulation is forbidden.'

I mean, it doesn't say 'Absolutely forbidden' so maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I tried. I just need practice.

This book is big, I'm sure there are some more pages on this. I guess I should check the table of contents. But when I do, I find it's been ripped out. Of course, it is.

I flip through the book hoping to find any clues. Maybe this thing is alphabetical. And maybe this will be the one time in the world when I have patience with books.

I slowly go over each and every page. This is really boring. But eventually, it's worth it. I find the page I've been looking for.

Lightning Manipulation- A brief look into the making and history of the dangerous art.

I look up at the clock. It's 9:50. I don't have much time to get back to my dorm.

I slide the book away and into its hiding place, before grabbing a random book and checking it out. I don't want anyone to get suspicious. I just hope they don't get suspicious of the more frequent library visits and checking out books.


My dorm is quiet for a change. That probably means either Remus got too stupid and is spending the night somewhere where he can't commit arson or they're actually just tired.

"Hmm? Oh, hey Virge," Remus mumbles when I come in.

"Hey, Rat," I say.

He snorts.

"Where's Jan?" I ask.

"Asleep. Snow wars are tiring," Remus says.

I nod, flopping down on my bed.

"Well, goodnight," I say.

"You don't want to stay up and talk? And then lie in bed thinking about why I know so much about serial killers?" Remus asks.

"No. I don't," I say, "I need sleep anyway,"

"...Ok then," he says, "G'night,"

"'Night." I cuddle up in my blankets, hugging my pillow tightly as music blasts through my headphones.

Uh- hi I guess. No news over here! I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a fantastic day/night you magnificent peep!

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