18: Uh oh, Virgil fricks up

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*Logan POV*

Just over a week has passed. It's the 23rd. And I'm still thinking about that moment with Virgil. I could have apologized right then and there. While we were dancing together. 


I look up from my book to see Roman. He's back from his break.

"Welcome back," I say dully, going back to my book.

"Yes, I am back early! I couldn't bear the thought of you alone here anymore!" Roman says.

"And you also got into a fight with one of your neighbors, resulting in a minor fire. Patton already told me," I say.

Roman grins sheepishly.

"Yeah, that too- but he had it coming!" he says.

"I'm sure he did. Now, can I continue my reading in peace?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah. Have you seen Remy anywhere?" he asks.

"He is in town, he said he was going out with his boyfriend," I say.

"Oh. Well, I'm already bored. Can we do something?" he asks.

"Elaborate," I say.

"We could run around outside or duel in the practice rooms," Roman says.

"It just rained, so no to outside. And I don't want to beat you in a duel right now," I say.

"Is that a challenge?" Roman asks.

"No, it's a statement," I say.

He rolls his eyes.

"How 'bout a board game?" he asks.

I sigh, realizing he is going to continue asking until I say yes to something.

"We can play chess," I say.

Roman beams. 

"Great! I call dibs on the knight!" he says.

"That- that's not how it works," I say.

"Well, it is now!" Roman says.

He grabs my hand and leads me down to the library.

"There are a couple chess boards down here," he explains.

"I see," I say.

Chess is a game I've played a lot of, but mostly on my computer. I've gotten to the point where there is a good chance I can beat a bot.

"You know how to play, correct?" I ask.

"Nope! But it's like chess but for medieval roleplayers, right?" Roman asks.

I stare at him blankly. 

"No. Not even close," I say.

I look at him, in awe of his stupidity. How does he not know how to play chess? Or at the very least what it's about?

"Ok, so first we are going to review the rules," I say.

"Boooooooring," Roman yawns, "Let's just play checkers instead,"

"Fine," I say.

Only because I can still beat him without the struggle of teaching him how to play. 

*Virgil POV*

I'm cuddled up with a blanket. But I'm not reading a storybook or anything like that. I'm reading the manipulation book while also scrolling through Tumblr. The two things are unrelated, but it's a common thing I do. Not the reading of the forbidden book, but just scrolling through Tumblr while doing something else.

'Lightning manipulation, or advanced Explosive manipulation. It is highly dangerous and can easily kill the projector. However, if one does master the complex forms to use it, they can project lightning with relative ease. However, due to the danger to the projector and those around them, this form of manipulation is forbidden.'

I read over the passages with fascination. I'm not skilled enough to try this now, but maybe one day I will.

'Person/Animal manipulation. The manipulation that can force people and animals to do what the projector wills them to do. This can range from movements to speaking, to thoughts. ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN.'

I wouldn't want to do that even if it was allowed.

As I hear footsteps, I quickly shut the book and tuck it under my blanket. I look up. It's Logan and Roman. In the interest of staying away from them, I sneak out of the library and back to my dorm, where I drop off my phone, blanket, and book.

I'm going down to the lake. I've been thinking of doing it all break, and I might as well do it now. I need to overcome my fear, and doing it in class with everyone watching definitely isn't the way to do it.

I take off my shoes and socks and roll up my sweatpants. I want to at least get knee-deep without panicking.

I look around to make sure nobody is around. No one is. I dip my feet into the water. I take a few steps before I hear someone shouting.


I stumble and fall chest first into the water, thoroughly soaking my sweatshirt and pants. I push myself back up and turn around.

"What?!" I ask.

Janus and Remus come rushing towards me.

"What is wrong with you? Are you trying to die?!" Janus shouts.

"Wha- of course not! Just because I go near the lake doesn't mean I'm trying to drown myself!" I say.

"Well, we were just concerned-" Remus says.

Janus pulls me over by him and leads me away from the lake.

"You are an idiot! You could have at least wait for a lifeguard to show up!" he says.

I yank my arm away from him. He reaches back for me.

"No! Back off! I am SICK of you two treating me like I'm either invisible or a delicate child!" I shout.

"Oh, well sorry for trying to make sure you don't get yourself killed whenever you touch water!" Janus shouts.

"Well, I'm stronger than you think! I can handle myself and it seems like you two only care when my life is in danger! You know, maybe the reason I can't get over my stupid fear is because you two treat me like I'm weak!" I shout.

I turn around to storm off, but Janus grabs my shoulder.


"No," I say harshly.

His hand moves off me and I hear him stumble back. I turn around to make sure he's ok.

My eyes widen in shock when I see them. Janus is frozen on the floor with his leg in the air, and Remus is reaching out to me.

"What the hell-" I mutter, "I- what's happening?"

I take a step back. They're frozen in place. But their eyes are moving around. What did I do?

"I- I'm sorry-" I say.

I don't know what else to do but run. If I get away from them maybe it'll stop.

I should have never even opened that book.

I don't know where to go. Not my dorm. Not the library. Maybe the roof. 

Yeah, I think I'll go to the roof. While I don't like heights, it has an amazing view of the sunset. And I need to calm down in some way.

Here is where that spoiler from my tag book happens! Also, sorry for this being so late, I have been working on a collab Pirate AU fic called Pride Pearl! Go check it out! I've also had a lot of school, but I will be trying to get this back on track. I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a wonderful day/night you magnificent peep!

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