3: Coffee bean boi is here

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*Logan POV*

After dinner, I follow Patton as he skips down the hallway towards our dorm. Roman had to double back, as he left something in the cafeteria.

"What do we do for the rest of the night?" I ask.

"Well, we have Netflix. But I have homework to do," Patton says.

I nod.

"I see," I say.

He unlocks our door and we walk inside.

"Hey gurl!" a guy says.

"Hi, Remy!" Patton says brightly, "Whatcha' doing?"

"Wishing we had a Starbucks here," Remy says wistfully.

He looks up from his computer and sees me.

"Ooh! Are you Pat's boyfriend?" he asks.

"While I am gay, I am not," I say, "I'm your roommate,"

"Have I not had enough caffeine or is Roman pranking me?" Remy asks.

"Neither! He's new here!" Patton says.

Remy nods.

"Oh. For a second there I thought I was going to have to steal the emo's coffee stash," he says, "You can never have too much caffeine,"

Patton frowns a little.

"Well, actually-" I start to say.

"Well, there's a new series on Netflix that I'm gonna binge. See you later babes!" Remy says, cutting me off.

He is... odd to say the least. 

A few hours pass and night falls. I have a brilliant view of the moon rising from my window.


In the morning, I wake up, get dressed, and go down to breakfast with Roman.

Towards the end of breakfast, I start asking about our classes.

"So what's first? How to use our abilities? Training them? Learning the history of-" 

"Slow your roll. We have math. We may be special, but we still need to learn everything else," Roman says.

"I suppose that makes sense," I say.

"You know, you remind me of a freshman," Roman says.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"They're all excited about learning about their ability that they forget we still have stuff like science and language arts," he explains.

I nod.

"Well, I am the equivalent of a freshman, as it's my first year here," I say.

"Yeah, but you're still with us, which is great!" Patton says.

"Oh, by the way, our grade levels go, freshman, sophomore, middle, junior, senior," Roman says, "Since we have an extra year. So they just added 'middle'. They weren't very creative coming up with names, were they?"

"Or their introductory system. Thomas just came to my room in the middle of the night," I say.

Patton giggles.

"You too?" he asks.

"Yes, that's what I just said," I say.

We hear the bell ring.

"Let's go, I'll show you to math!" Patton says, grabbing my wrist.

We rush out of the cafeteria and down the hallway. I'm barely holding onto my books, and we enter a classroom.

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