33: Testing the limits

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*Virgil POV*

Hours pass in the waiting room and we still don't know what happened.

"Would you stop pacing? I'm here for my son and you are making me even more nervous!" a lady snaps at me.

I look over to her, then down at my feet. I hadn't realized I even got up. I sit back down and look over at Emile. He's buried his nose in his phone, but I can see a few tears slipping down his face.

Another hour passes. It's one AM. The lady left by now with her son and Emile and I are left alone.

"I'm assuming you two are here for Remy Francisco?" a doctor- nurse- whoever- says to us.

We both nod. I look up in hope.

"You're going to have to go home. We aren't allowing visitors at this time."

And just like that, my heart drops.

My ears start ringing as Emile leads me out to his car. I'm in a daze, unable to really process anything. I'm sure Emile is feeling the same way, maybe even worse.

*Logan POV*

The meeting had dissipated not long after Virgil left. There weren't any smiles, just worried glances, and neutral faces as we all left.

I walk back to my dorm in silence, the only noise being my shoes against the floor.

I slip into my dorm quietly and sit down on my bed. I don't know if I'll sleep.

"Hey Lo! Long time no see, eh?" Patton says brightly.

I look up at him.

"I saw you at dinner," I say.

Patton laughs.

"Yeah, I guess so! It felt like longer," he says sheepishly.

"I'm going to sleep," I state.


Sunday morning comes and Virgil confines himself in his dorm. I choose not to press him, as emotions are a touchy thing and he prefers being alone.

Instead, I spend all afternoon down in the training areas. I've avoided them since my suspension, but that was mostly out of caution and cowardice. If I want to see how good I can be, I need to train.

In the area, four other people are using their abilities. Two are sparring- something Roman and I did on occasion- and one is supervising a younger person as they create small explosions. As I approach them, I recognize the one exploding things as Cass.

"Oh! Hi Logan!" he says, looking up.

"Salutations, Cass," I say.

"Keep your eyes on your hands! Don't get distracted!" the other person shouts.

"Oh, I have control. And I'm ready to take a break, we've been at this for hours," Cass says.

The person nods.

"Fine. You- Logan. Nice to meet you," they say.

I bow my head.

"Same to you. Remind me of your name again?" I ask.

"Rosa," they say, "I'm a Junior."

I nod.

"And she's my bestest friend!" Cass jumps in, "Alright! Now I wanna see what you can do!" Cass bounces up and down excitedly.

I nod.

"What form should we start with?" I ask.

"Do light. It's the hardest, and can set the scope for abilities," Rosa says.

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