8: Who cares?

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TW: Vomiting

*Virgil POV*

Swim class was fine until it wasn't. About halfway through. My heart is racing and my stomach is doing somersaults. I'm pretty sure my body just hates me. I swim to the edge of the lake.

"I feel sick," I mutter.

"Like, a cold or-" Remus starts to ask.

My vomiting onto the grass is his answer.

"Virgil, go to the nurse," the coach says, "Remus, you take him,"

I pull myself out of the water and Remus splashes some on me.

"Hey!" I shout.

"I'm getting the vomit off. As great as it smells, the custodian's going to kill me if I let any in the hallways again," he says.

I nod.

"Let's go," he says.

As we grab our towels and make our way to the nurse's office, I start to feel a little sick again. Everyone saw me puke and wimp out of class again. Everyone knows.

"Hey, it's ok, Virgie. At least you got halfway through class," Remus says

"Yeah, then I threw up," I say.

"Eh. You got me out of class too, and it's not like anyone really cares," he says.

"They probably do. Not about me, but the fact that I puked and probably got some in the lake," I say.

"Surprise chunks," Remus shrugs.

"Ok, ew, ew. Maybe I should have gotten Janus to take me," I say.

"Oh calm your tits, I was just joking," Remus says.

We enter the nurse's office and Remus leaves to go back to swimming.

"Hello again, Virgil," the nurse says.

"Hey," I say.

"Did you get sick at swim class again?" she asks.

I nod. She hands me a towel.

"Wash yourself up and go to the library until your next class," she instructs, "And I still recommend you see Dr. Picani. He can help you with this,"

"I know, I know, I know," I say.

Emile is my friend, not my therapist. And if my problems only with swimming, I can just avoid doing that and I'll be fine. 

I go into the bathroom and wash up. I keep my clothes bundled in my towel, so I get changed as well. All I left in my locker was my notebooks from my earlier classes, so I can get those later.

I go back up to my dorm and lie on my bed for a while. I'm tired and cold.

I sit up and wander around. I see a book poking out from under Janus's bed. The book they stole. Someone's going to notice it's gone soon, and we're all going to be in trouble. I still think they're idiots for stealing it.

I pull it out and open it up. The book has the most advanced energy manipulation moves, and we've been studying them. Some of them are frowned upon, and the book is for Seniors only.

I flip over to the forbidden pages. People manipulation. A part of me wants to learn it, just in case something happens, but the other part of me says it's way too dangerous.

I flip to another section. Sound manipulation. Nobody uses this form, both because it's seen as just plain bad, but also because it's hard. I don't personally see how it's bad, so I think I'll study it.

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