24: Unusually gifted and we finally acknowledge it

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TW: Fighting, angst

*Logan POV*

"Logannnn," Virgil whines, "I'm bored and procrastinating,"

"Then stop," I say.

"Nah, I don't feel like it," he says.

It's Wednesday night. Remus is out trying to summon a demon in an empty classroom and Janus is trying to stop him. At least according to Virgil. And Roman and Patton are baking. So that leaves me and Virgil with some alone time.

"Why don't we go down to the training rooms and practice our abilities?" I suggest.

"Actually, yeah, sounds like fun," Virgil says.

He gets off of the bed frame and we walk down to the rooms. We enter the main room, a large, white, padded place with all sorts of things, from tubs of water to blocks of wood.

"Can we do light manipulation first? That one is my personal favorite to do," I say.

"Said no one ever," Virgil says.

"I just said that, though," I say.

"I mean nobody, besides you, really likes doing light. But I'm fine with it," he explains.

I nod.

"Can you show me some techniques?" I ask.

He nods.

"Here, like this," Virgil says.

He breaths in and out, waving his hand up and down before making a pulling motion. A lot of the light in the room comes towards him. A lot, but not all. Maybe around 70%.

"I'm only good at, like, three different types of light, and I'm still trying to find my center, but-" he says.

"You're doing amazing," I say.

I try to copy his motion and do so with more success. He grins.

"Amazing," he says.

He kisses me on the cheek as we continue.

"There's this one move I want to try, but it's really dangerous," Virgil says, "And there are too many things that can go wrong but this is also the one thing I've been told I'm good at so maybe I could do this but-"

"You're rambling. Why don't we try it later, once we both are completely confident," I say.

"Sure. Yeah, I think that's better. So what should we do next?" he asks.

"Well, I've never learned the explosion manipulation," I say.

Virgil nods.

"Yeah, it's a Sophomore year thing," he says.

"It seems very illogical to teach fourteen to fifteen-year-olds how to create explosions," I note.

"Yeah, but we have a hell of a ton of safety measures and restrictions, so it's fine," Virgil says.

I wonder how exactly people think they can stop teenagers with the ability to create explosions from creating just that, explosions. Either way, this is a topic I am excited to learn.

"Ok, so this one is really different from light, so I don't know how good you'll be at it," Virgil starts.

He grabs a piece of paper and crumples it up.

"The technique is similar to when you're making ice; you need to do sharp jabs of energy that go out in different directions," he explains.

I nod as he hands me the paper.

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