50: A sleepover! In the nurse's office-

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"Hey, do you have your phone on you?" Virgil asks, his voice cracking a little.

The two boys sit next to each other, neither having enough energy or willpower to get up and get themselves help.

"Yes, actually. Though I may have broken it," Logan says.

"Oh well then. I wanna call Remy once we get to the nurse's office or somethin," Virgil says.

His voice sounds shakey and that makes Logan take notice of the ache surrounding his body. He nods and picks Virgil up regardless, determined to get them both medical attention. It's the first thing they need right now, after that he can go look for Rosa and come back to get Cass.

Logan looks over at the still-unconscious boy. If he was a kinder person, he would feel pity. But all he sees is someone corrupted and cruel, who manipulated his boyfriend. 

He turns around and walks towards the roof exit. On his way down the stairs, he runs into Principal Thomas.

"Oh my god! What happened to you two?!" he questions, panicked.

"Long story. Cass is on the roof still. I'm taking Virgil to the nurse's office," Logan says, not having the energy to talk.

The principal nods.

"You will be explaining, but that can wait," he says as he rushes to the roof to grab the other student.

Logan nods and continues on his way. Once he reaches the office, the nurse immediately sits the two boys down and assesses their injuries.

"In all my years here, I have never once had a pair of kids this banged up. So tell me what happened," she says, in a half-scolding, half-exasperated tone.

"Well some bitch cursed me, I lost control of my body, and then Logan and I fought and he got me back to normal," Virgil sums up.

The nurse looks to Logan for confirmation. He nods. She sighs.

"I don't even want to know how you got 'cursed'; that's Joan's department. And maybe Emile's. But you two are staying here for the night, so I can monitor your condition," she says.

They both nod as she finishes giving them basic treatment.

"Now stay here, I'm going to alert the principal and Joan of this." she hands them both lollipops and then leaves.

Not two minutes later, fast footsteps can be heard coming near. Janus barges in, looking extremely worried and mildly angry.

"I heard you got hurt! Virgil, are you alright?" he asks, his sassy and confident behavior gone.

"Yeah," Virgil says nonchalantly. 

"I don't believe you. Where is the nurse?" Janus questions.

"I said I'm fine-"

Janus then spots Logan and his eyes narrow.


"Why are you blaming me?" Logan holds up his hands.

"Janus, please kindly shut the goddamn hell up. He didn't do shit, and even if he did I don't need you beating up anyone who interacts with me," Virgil snaps.

"Virge, what do you mean? I've never-"

"No. Shut up. Listen. I should have said something years ago." Virgil interrupts him, holding up his hand.

Janus has a look of confusion on his face.

"You aren't my parent or my older sibling. And I'm not helpless. So stop treating me like I'm a toddler and then wonder why I'm not as independent as you or Remus! I know what you say behind my back, and it hurts. So get the hell out of here and I'll talk to you when I'm ready." Virgil lets out a deep sigh after his small rant.

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