26: Sad Patton

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*Virgil POV*

Thursday afternoon. I went through all my classes without Logan. We didn't share many, but I still felt alone. More than usual, as I really can't stand Janus and Remus now. They think I'm a baby.

"Virge, can you pass the test tube?" Janus asks.

"Which one?" I ask.

"The colored one," he says.

I sigh.

"Yellow or purple?" I ask.

"Yellow," he says.

I hand him the vial of faintly yellow liquid.

We're in science class. Chemistry. And this is something that happens a lot. I have no idea what we're doing in this class but I know I'm bored as all hell and Janus is copying off me.

"Alright class, your homework is your essay on chemical reactions still; due on Monday," the teacher says.

I sigh. At least we're doing the essay in language arts, so it's basically one thing of homework for two classes. That doesn't make it any less annoying, though.


"Hey, Virge, want to go summon a demon? We were unsuccessful yesterday," Remus says.

"I- Nah. I'm good. I'm really tired," I say.

"Yeah, go to sleep. You look like you need it," Remus says.

I roll my eyes.

"But if you go do it tell them I said hi," I say.

"Will do! Hey Janus-" Remus says.

He somehow convinces Janus to go, leaving me all alone again. After their footsteps fade from outside, I leave to go to the library.

I enter the room, but it's not empty. I'm not surprised, considering it's after school and homework exists. Luckily, I hid the book in my reading corner.

As I walk over there and turn the corner I see someone curled up against the wall. It's Patton.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask quietly.

I may not like him all that much but it hurts me to see other people sad. Too much experience with it myself, I guess.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine," he says.

I don't believe that.

"Well, I'll be here if you continue to be 'fine'," I say.

He nods. 

Just a few moments later he comes back over to me.

"Virgil- I- I know we're not the best of friends but I- I just-" Patton stutters.

"You're upset your friends got into a fight and now they might never make up and so you've lost the only real family you've ever had?" I ask.

He gulps.

"That- that is scary accurate," he says.

"It's my worst fear," I admit.

He hugs me tightly.

"I- do you think things will get better?" he asks.

"Are you seriously asking me this?" I ask.

"Y-yeah," he says.

I sigh. He's a little oblivious. Then again, so is Logan and I love him.

"Well, I don't know. Nobody does. I guess all you can do is get therapy and move on," I say.

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