23: HAhaha- You foolish dummy

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*Virgil POV*

I inhale deeply before I turn my key and open my dorm door. I already heard Janus and Remus talking inside, so I know they're up. This isn't going to be fun.

The second I walk in, Remus rushes over to me, Janus a few seconds behind him.

"VIRGIL! Are you ok?" Janus asks.

He hugs me tightly.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry. Are you guys mad?" I ask.

"For what?" Janus asks.

"For the thing I did. Down by the lake," I say slowly.

"What are you talking about?" Remus asks, "I'm supposed to be the brain-damaged one, not you,"

He pats my head as if he were checking my brain.

"Excuse me?" Janus and I both say.

"We're all thinking it," Remus says, "So V. What's going on? You avoided us for a week and nearly cry when you see us. We were starting to worry we upset you somehow."

"I- you didn't. I thought you guys would be mad at me," I say.

Janus laughs a little.

"Why would we be?" he asks.

What did I do to them?

"Is is is this some sort of joke? There's nobody else around, you don't need to to to lie if it isn't," I say.

"Virge, how much sleep have you been getting? Or did you get a concussion?" Janus asks, feeling my forehead.

I push him away.

"I'm not sick... just- just confused," I say.

"Well, try to sleep on it," Janus says, "It's getting late,"

"I- ok. I left something in my locker though, I'm gonna go get it," I say, slipping out of the dorm.

I don't know what to do, so I go to Logan's dorm. I know Roman and Patton are still at rehearsal, so I'll either see Remy or Logan.

I knock on the door.

No response. 

It's after curfew, I forgot.

I knock three quick times, and Remy opens the door.

"Hey, babe. What's going on?" he asks.

"I- can I talk to Logan quick?" I ask.

"Yeah. Did he do something to you?" Remy asks, frowning.

I can tell he's already mad, even though it's dark and he's wearing sunglasses.

"No, we're fine. I'm fine. I want to talk about something else," I say.

"You've been crying. So what is it?" Remy asks.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing. I'm fine!" I say.

"Virgil?" Logan asks from behind Remy.

Remy steps aside and I rush to Logan, hugging him tightly.

"I- I- I made a big big mistake. Can- can I stay with you for a bit?" I ask.

Running away from my problems. I'm such a coward.

"Of course. Do you want to talk about it?" Logan asks.

"I- I think I should," I say.

I look over at Remy, who already has his headphones on and faint music can be heard from them.

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