41: Final night

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In what felt like minutes, the week had passed. This would be the final night out in the woods.

"Why is it so damn cold tonight?!" Remus asks, shivering and annoyed.

"Ask Mother Nature," Virgil responds.

"Easy for you to say. You've got your hoodie and Logan!" Remus says.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Virgil says while he's sitting in Logan's lap.

"Why even are you sitting with him?" Patton asks.

"He's the warmest and he doesn't smell," Virgil says. While that is true, it's not the only reason.

"Are you saying I am not warm?" Remus asks.

"No, I'm saying you smell. And would know- I live with you," Virgil says.

Remus makes an offended sound and Patton giggles. Patton hadn't been very talkative or smiling frequently during the trip, which was odd for him.

"Eh that's fair," Remus admits.

Patton lets out a sigh.

"I can't wait to get back to school. They have good food there," he says, picking at some of the food Logan found in the forest.

"Yeah, me too. We are not doing this next year, no matter how much homework they let us out of," Virgil says.

"Agreed," Remus says.

"They let us out of homework? I already finished mine for the week-" Logan says.

Virgil laughs.

"You're a nerd," he says.

"And you aren't?" Logan responds.

He was very, very close to saying 'And you still love me' but then he remembered his surroundings. Patton, he might trust enough to tell, but not Remus.

A few minutes pass with the group just hanging around the campsite.

"So what should we do? It's our last day here, after all," Remus asks.

Virgil shrugs.

"The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can forget about all of this," he says.

"Yeah, but don't you guys want to remember this experience? It's been a really fun week," Patton says.

"Yeah, getting pushed into a river was real fun," Virgil grumbles, getting goosebumps just remembering.

Long story short, on the third day Remus tripped and accidentally shoved Virgil right into the river. Needless to say, Logan took over gathering food for that day.

"Look, I said I was sorry! Like, a lot! C'mon Virge, you know I would never-" Remus defends himself.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Still," Virgil says gruffly.

They both look down at their feet.

"Okay, but other than that!" Patton jumps in, trying to continue the conversation. "We climbed trees, explored, made flower crowns, and all that fun stuff!"

"That was only from extreme boredom and the fact that you know how to make flower crowns," Logan points out.

Virgil snickers.

"That's gay," he says.

Remus looks up and stares him dead in the eyes.

"Virgil, I hate to break it to you, but you are far from straight," he says in a very serious tone.

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