31: You're my star, bro

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*Virgil POV*

It's Friday afternoon, and school just ended. I'm even more exhausted than normal and all I want to do is sleep.

I walk through the halls with my backpack slung around one shoulder, hood up and earbuds in. I briefly imagine what it would be like as a normal highschool student, without magic and isolation from the rest of the world. 

"SCREEEEEEEE!" Remus shouts out of nowhere.

And then I'm brought back to reality.

"Remus, please shut your mouth forever," Janus says.

"No you," Remus says.

"I will snap your neck," Janus snaps.

"And I will beat you so hard you will have PTSD flashbacks every time you see a stick of deodorant," Remus says.

"You don't even have one on you!" Janus argues.

"Nobody is snapping or beating anyone," I cut in.

We pass through a busy hallway, so they quiet down and I shrink myself down. I end up getting pushed over to the wall, and I just decide to stay there until the majority of the crowd passes. I can't move in those without feeling like I'm going to be attacked anyway.

After the crowd FINALLY disperses, Janus and Remus spot me hunches against the wall.

"There ya are! You didn't get trampled and get dirt in your everywhere, did you?" Remus asks as Janus looks me up and down.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine fine," I say.

They both nod.

"Hey, poster behind you," Janus says.

I turn around to see a very bright rainbow poster.

"'Hot cocoa and reading night, giant sleepover at Friday at seven in the observatory'," I read, "We have an observatory?!"

"We do?" Janus asks, taking a few steps backward and studying at the poster.

"Oh cool, is this an event where I can throw boiling water on people and tell them gruesome stories about the stars?" Remus asks.

"No to the first part," Janus says.

"Rightttttt- sorry-" Remus says.

I check the time and date and put it in my phone calendar. It sounds nice.

"So we're going to attack this place with snowballs, right?" Remus asks.

"Oh for sure," Janus says.

"Oh- uh- I guess," I say.

Janus beams.

"Sweet. I'll start preparing the snow," he says.


In the late afternoon, I go over to the library. Surprise surprise, Logan is there. Which is good for me, I want to talk to him.

But I'm too nervous to iniate a conversation, so I kind of just wander around him, looking through books.

"Salutations, Virgil," Logan says eventually.

"OH- hi-" I stammer.

He smiles a bit and I swear I go bright red. 

"Do you need something?" he asks.

"Uh- yeah- there's a reading night thing tonight and I know you like reading so-" I say quickly.

His eyes perk up in interest.

"Oh? That sounds enjoyable, I will see you there. Do you want to meet up before it starts?" he asks.

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