19: Water & Angst

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TW: Angst, (almost) drowning.

*Virgil POV*

It's been two days since I hurt Janus and Remus. I haven't gone back to our dorm, opting to sleep in the library. And I've eaten a few times, but I can't remember how often. 

I'm scared to go back to school.

I broke one of our few laws, and I probably was caught.

I sit down on a hill, watching the moon rise. I look down at the lake. Maybe I should try again. I could still be able to if I just focus enough.

I take off my hoodie and shirt, letting the cool, near-winter breeze pass by me. I shiver a little, but I prefer the cold.

I walk down to the lake, taking off my shoes and socks.

I'll either overcome my fear or die trying, and at this point, I'm fine with either.

I take a deep breath and slide into the water. It's cold. Really cold. Oh well.

I let out a deep breath, letting the water around me heat up to a survivable temperature.

I dip my head under the water, but it's so cold it shocks my body. I momentarily forget where I am. I start to flail around, making the water around colder, before I'm able to get back to the surface.

I take a few shallow breaths.

"You can do this, you wimp," I say to myself.

I slide back under the water, but this time, when I come back up, something blocks me. It must be from the incoming snowstorm's cold and my own. Why did I think this was a good idea?

I bang on it, trying to break it. It doesn't work. 

I try heating up the water, but it takes too much energy.

When I can't reach air I start panicking.



You killed her. IT'S YOUR FAULT!



I feel myself start to sink away from the surface. Maybe Janus was right, I can't go into the water and survive on my own.

Oh well.

My lungs start to feel clench when I hear something above me. I can't open my eyes underwater, so I don't know what it is.

A hand grabs me and I don't have the energy to fight it.

Just let me drown, it's my fault. I think.

It was my fault.

*Logan POV*

I can't sleep tonight, which hasn't been unusual. 

I get out of bed and throw on some day clothes, but don't bother tying my tie. I make my bed and grab my key before quietly opening the door.

"Where're you going?"

I turn around and see Remy's face, illuminated by his computer screen.

"Just out. I'll be back before one," I say.

It's nearly midnight right now.

"Mk. Be back late and I tell Patton," he says.

I nod, although he can't see me through the dark.

I walk downstairs, and outside to the school grounds. It's nearly December, so it's chilly. I should have brought a coat.

I sit down on one of the small hills overlooking half the grounds, looking up at the sky. There is a little snow falling down, the kind that melts when it touches the ground.

I wish there wasn't a storm tonight, so I could see the stars. They really are beautiful, and much more visible here than back home. My home is near a city, so the light pollution drowns out the light from the stars.

As I breathe in and out, I notice a figure down by the lake. Not a fox or raccoon, but a person. I look closer and see the silhouette of a baggy hoodie and a skinny boy. Virgil. 

I decide to stay put, but keep a close eye on him. He goes into the water, coming up for air after a few seconds. Maybe he isn't afraid of water. Maybe Roman and Patton are right.

He goes back under, but this time doesn't come up. I get up and walk closer. Around some edges of the lake, ice sheets have formed.

When Virgil doesn't come back up after at least a minute, I throw off my glasses and shoes, diving in. I dodge the ice as I do so.

I can't lose him.

I can just barely squint underwater and can make out a dark figure sinking. I grab his hand and pull him up. I am still as strong of a swimmer as I used to be.

I pull Virgil up to the surface and get him to land. I check his breathing and do CPR, a process I just barely know.

He awakes with a gasp and cough, but grabs my tie and pulls me down weakly, into a kiss.

I get him to sit up and we part after a few minutes.

"L-Logan, Logan?" he asks, coughing up more water.

"Yeah," I say with a sad smile.

I don't deserve him after what I said.

"Thank you," he says.

"Always," I say.

"Wait, how can you see me? Where are your glasses?" he asks.

"I'm near-sighted, not blind," I say.

"Oh, oh, oh-" Virgil says.

I can feel his face getting red.

"Hey, it's ok," I say, "I get that a lot,"

He hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry. Please don't tell them about this," he says.

"Who, and why? You have no reason to be sorry," I say.

"I- I shouldn't tell you, but please don't tell Janus and Remus about this. They'll be so upset-"

"They can find out when you tell them. But I won't," I say.

"T-thanks. C-can we sit here? Just for a little while?" Virgil asks.

I nod.

"Of course," I say, "You've just had a near-death experience, you need to calm your nerves and remind your mind that you aren't in danger anymore,"

"Heh, remind your mind," Virgil snorts.

His snort is so adorable.

"Here, you must be cold," I say.

I grab his sweatshirt and hand it to him.

"Yeah, a little. What about you? You don't even have a coat!" Virgil says.

"I'll be fine. Temperature doesn't bother me," I say.

"Oh. Well, we should probably get our shoes back on too," he says.

I nod and grab Virgil's, then my own.

"Let's go back to the dorms," I say.

"N-no. Or can we go to the empty ones?" Virgil asks.

"If that what makes you most comfortable, then I am fine with it," I say.

I pick Virgil up and we go back inside.

This was fast! Totally not because I'm procrastinating on anything else. Heh. *Looks at school and oneshot book*. Totally not... Well, I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a splendid day/night you magnificent peep!

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