11: Bad Thoughts

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TW: Intrusive thoughts

*Virgil POV*

At 2 AM Janus and Remus come back. Logan and I set up the prank for Remy a few hours ago, but I probably won't hear anything about it until tomorrow. Or later today, technically.

"Look who finally decided to come back," I say.

"Shut it, Remus isn't well," Janus says.

"Sick or the other thing?" I ask, jumping down from my bed.

"Other," Janus says.

Oh no.

"I told you guys you should have left at midnight! Or earlier!" I say.

"Well, we didn't," Janus spits.

I crouch down by Remus, who's holding his head and shaking.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's gonna be ok," I mumble.

"No!" Remus says.

"Tell us what they are, we can help," Janus says.

"O-ok," Remus mumbles.

"Yeah. All of your thoughts, good and bad," I say.

"It-it started with blood everywhere. Everyone screaming and crying and real blood. Then I started hurting everyone, but not in the way I joke about," Remus says.

"Keep going," Janus says.

"They're not real, it won't happen," I say.

"But what if it does!?" Remus asks.

"We'll be there and we'll stop it," Janus promises.

Remus hiccups.

"I don't want to hurt you guys," he says.

"You can't," I say.

"But- aaahh," Remus says, burying his face in a pillow.

"Keep talking. Don't push them away," Janus says.

"Ok," Remus says.

This goes on until about 3 AM when his thoughts finally stop. It took longer than normal, but at least he's alright now.

"Are you guys awake?" Remus asks.

Neither me nor Janus responds.

"Go to sleep. Janus, you know you snore, right? And I don't hear faint music through your headphones either, Virgil," Remus says.

I roll my eyes.

"Fine, you caught us. But not sleeping isn't unusual for me," I say.

"Go to sleep or I'll bonk you with my morning star," Remus says.

"I'm good," I say.

I turn my music back on and try to fall asleep.

*Logan POV*

"Hey, kiddo!" Patton says.

"Salutations. You are back very late. Is the party still going?" I ask.

"Nah, it's just about ended," Roman says.

"Ok," I say, "You should go to sleep,"

"Yeah, but before you do I gotta tell you to stop hanging out with those other boys. They're going to hurt you," Roman says.

I raise an eyebrow. 

"I highly doubt that," I say.

Virgil proved tonight that he is very kind-hearted, and Janus hasn't shown any negative signs towards me whatsoever. And while Remus does seem a little crazy, I trust the other two to prevent him from hurting anyone.

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