40: Coyote

568 23 40

TW: Panic, wild animal

Roman's day is going bad. First, he's in a group with Janus. Second, he's away from his friends. And third, he just tripped down a hill and twisted his ankle badly. So he's stuck in a ditch, essentially.

He can't ask for help, especially not from Janus. He needs to prove he's better than him, after all. Roman silently curses himself for taking up the challenge. But something about Janus just aggravates him so much.

Slowly, as to not hurt himself further, Roman pushes himself up and off the ground. His ankle is throbbing, but he'll just walk it off. He can't appear weak, not when his pride and thirty-five bucks are on the line.

"Well, look who finally made it back to camp. I hope you found some firewood," Janus says as Roman enters their small clearing.

"As a matter of fact, I did," Roman states coldly.

He drops the few logs he gathered right at Janus's feet. He was aiming for right on the feet to be petty, but Janus stepped back.

"Wow, I'm impressed," Janus says mockingly, "I didn't know someone like you was able to get their hands dirty."

Roman rolls his eyes. But before he can make a comeback, Vick, the other kid they're with, cuts in.

"Hey, as funny as this is, I don't want to get attacked by a wild animal tonight or something out in these woods," he says, "So can you keep your bickering to a minimal?"

Why was everyone so afraid of wild animals, Roman wonders. These are woods near civilization, the most they'll see are deer and squirrels.

"Fine. So what's our plan?" Roman grumbles.

Janus holds back from making another snide remark, and instead tried to come up with a plan before the sunsets.

"Well, first we're going to need to find food. They let us bring water, so that's not a concern. And then there's the issue of shelter," Janus says.

"Why do we need to find food? This is so stupid- this is camping, not wilderness survival!" Vick says.

"No, it's wilderness survival. It said so on the sheet. So suck it up, you're here and there's no going back," Roman says.

This was going to be a long week.


Roman is out in the woods again. They played rock-paper-scissors to see who would do what, and he ended up with food searching. Why does he always get the worst job?

As he searching around for food, Roman realizes just how little he knows about wildlife. Everything looks the same. How can he know what's edible or not? This was Logan's job, but now they're separated. 

Maybe he shouldn't have been so rude. Then maybe he wouldn't be stuck in this situation. 

Now, Roman isn't one for self-refection, but he does genuinely feel lost and like he might die with two people he hates this week. If food poisoning and the animals don't get him, Janus probably will. After all, wasn't he plotting something like that near Halloween?

As he's lost in his thoughts, Roman runs right into a sleeping coyote. Well, it was sleeping. Now it's awake and growling.


The coyote approaches closer. He has to do something, or he's going to die. But in the face of danger, Roman freezes. He doesn't know what to do other than hope someone else will come and save him.

He feels as though he's been paralyzed. Isn't adrenaline supposed to make him stronger and better?

Roman backs up and trips. He doesn't fall over, but it's enough to make the coyote even braver and come closer.

In a moment of pure panic, Roman uses a nearby stick and hits the animal in the head. That causes it to whimper and run away. Roman feels a wave of relief wash over him, but he stands there, frozen for a few minutes. 

He was close to death. Maybe extremely close, maybe not too close, but still. Roman felt as though his very soul had been shaken up.

Slowly, he walks back to the camp. Maybe Vick found some food for them. Even if he didn't, Roman snuck some food in his bag. He'd be an idiot to not have.

When he gets back to the camp, a small lean-to had been set up. 

"Did you manage to find any food out there?" Janus asks.

"No, I was the only snack," Roman says with a dramatic sigh.

Janus frowns.

"Of course you didn't," he grumbles.

"Oh deal with it, snake. Vick is still out there," Roman says.

"Yeah, yeah. But I doubt he found anything either," Janus says.

As it turns out, Vick found some edible nuts, which they ended up roasting over the fire. But that was all they had. But Roman has his secret stash of food, and unbeknownst to him, Vick and Janus do too. Hardly anyone followed all the rules.

As the food is cooking, Vick approaches Roman.

"Roman? Everything alright with you?" he asks. "Need me to give you a hug and make you better?"

"No. Screw off, Victor," Roman snaps.

"Are you sure~?" he asks.

"Yes. Stop pushing me," Roman says.


As the fire dies down a little, Janus briefly considers throwing some of Roman's spare clothes in the fire as kindling. But he doesn't, as Roman would steal his. 

Then, they all hear a voice in the woods.


"PREACH!" Roman shouts back.

"Honestly I would be fine with burning something," Janus mutters.

"Light a stick on fire and chase Victor around with it," Roman suggests.

"Hey, why me?!" Vick says.

"You know damn well why," Roman says.

Vick frowns but both Roman and Janus ignore him. 

Once the food is done, they all eagerly eat it. The night goes on normally, with uncomfortable silence or bitter small talk until they get tired. Because of that, they all mutually agree to go to bed early to be out of each other's company.

Roman settles into the ground with his one blanket, staring up at the top of the lean-to. But as his leg throbs through the night, he comes to a realization. Maybe he isn't as great as he thinks.

Redemption arc, anyone? Oh, I'm on AO3 now, so haha slow updates- if you want to check out my ao3 it's the same username as on here. I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a lovely day/night you magnificent peep!

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