6: Pursuit of knowledge

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*Virgil POV*

"Stupid plan," I mutter to myself as I walk away.

They're idiots! I mean, reading the book at night was one thing, but stealing it is just plain stupid.

"Hey, Remy," I say.

He looks up from his phone.

"Hey, babe! I was just on my way out to the grounds, wanna come?" he asks.

"Sure," I say.

Remy is a Senior, so he's two grade levels ahead of me. But we're still friends, due to our insomnia, love of My Chemical Romance, and coffee addiction. 

I'm glad we're friends, and it also doesn't hurt that being friends with one of the coolest Seniors gets bullies away from you.

We walk out and past the lake. I avoid looking at it. Even the sight of it makes me uneasy. 

"So whatcha' been up to?" Remy asks.

I shrug.

"Not much, really. I talked to that new kid, he seems pretty cool," I say.

"By 'talked' do you mean you sat next to him while Janus and Remus talked?" he asks.

"Yeah, but still," I say.

"Eh. He's my roommate. He seems pretty... I dunno, formal? He's stiff. Like his posture and personality," Remy says.

"Hey, I like him! He seems really nice," I say.

"You're blushing," Remy notes.

I pull my hood up. Of course, I am. Why?!

"Aw, my baby brother has a crush," Remy teases.

We're not brothers, but he still calls me that.

"Shut it or I'll tell everyone about you and Emile," I say.

Emile, or Dr. Picani, is the school therapist. He's 20, while Remy is 18. And they're dating. It started last year when Emile was hired. And they are adorable together.

"Wow, defensive. You're adorable like that," Remy says.

"I am not!," I say.

*Logan POV*

I arrive back at my dorm room. I've made up my mind.

I look around the room. There's nobody here. I go over to my bed and open up my laptop. I've made a sort of desk with my nightstand, as we only have one in here. I may as well start on my homework.

A few minutes later, Patton and Roman come back, giggling about something.

"Salutations," I say.

"Oh, hey kiddo!" Patton says, smiling brightly.

"Sup, Microsoft Nerd!" Roman says.

I look at my laptop.

"This is a Chromebook," I say.

"Oh well," Roman says.

"I want to show you a new trick I learned!" Patton says.

I look up.

"You have my attention," I say.

He grins and the air in the room gets colder. Much colder.

"I found my talent!" he says, "Temperature manipulation!"

"That- that is very interesting," I say.

"Y-yeah. And I'm freezing, get the heat back, Pat!" Roman says.

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