25: Suspended

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*Logan POV*

I take a deep breath. What brought me here?

I was training with Virgil. He kissed me. He left briefly. Roman got upset. I punched him.

Wait- Virgil kissed me. And I didn't realize it.

Somehow that feels worse than my nose, which is still bleeding. I mean, we all but admitted we love each other, and he was probably trying to 'make a move' as they say. And I just completely ignored it!

I'm taken to Mr. Sanders' office, where I sit down in a chair and wait for him to get here. When he does, he looks at me for a moment before talking.

"So I heard that you got into a fight today. According to a few students, Roman Prince said something to you, you said something back, he got angry, and so you pushed him, and then eventually punched him. Is that correct?" he asks.

"Yes, however-" I say.

"Then I have no choice but to suspend you," Mr. Sanders says.

"Hear me out first," I say.

He looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Roman approached me and started shouting about how it was unfair that I had performed certain forms of manipulation better than he had, and he was getting uncomfortably close, so I pushed him away. He then initiated the fight, and while I did punch him in the jaw, it was so I could get away before he could break something. Look at my nose, for example," I explain.

Mr. Sanders nods.

"Here, I have an ice pack and tissues," he says, grabbing a plastic bag and filling it with ice cubes before sliding it to me with a bag of tissues.

"Thank you," I say.

He sits back down and clears his throat.

"So while your version of the story does make sense, three students confirmed Roman's story. So I still have no choice but to suspend you. However, I'll only send an email to your parents and have you stay here, stuck in the detention room for three school days," he says.

Three days.

I am suspended for three days.

That's not as bad as I expected, but this is still a serious mark on my record. And my parents are going to know.

"Oh, and you won't be interacting with any other students," Mr. Sanders adds.

Ok, this is officially the worst school-related thing to happen to me.

And now I won't be able to talk to Virgil at all, or even explain what happened. What will he think of me?

*Virgil POV*

I walk back into the training room to see blood on the floor, and people crowded around Roman. I walk over to the only person not near him, Patton.

"Hey- um- do you know where Logan is?" I ask.

Patton looks at me.

"I- he- the principal's office. He and Roman got into a fight," he says.

I freeze. Logan, fight? I mean, unless someone was threatening to hurt someone, I don't think Logan would fight.

"I- oh oh oh. Um- I'm I'm gonna go," I say.

Patton nods and I speed out of the room.

Where are Janus and Remus? Where are Janus an- oh right, summoning demons again. 

I find my way to the back courtyard, where I can smell spray paint. I clear my throat, making Remus yelp from behind the bushes. I snicker softly.

"IS IT WORKING?!" Remus shouts.

"Remus, shut your mouth for once! Someone could hear us," Janus hisses.

"Yeah, but who cares?" Remus asks.

I step forward, about to jump through the bushes. I have the perfect line to say to them" 'You summoned me?'

"I mean, besides Virgil. He's probably upset that we're doing this without him," Remus says.

"He'll get over it after crying into his pillow at night, the baby," Janus says.

I freeze. I hardly ever cry!

"Yeah. But, I mean, it's not really his fault," Remus says.

"I know, but it's been how many years? Nine? Ten? He should get over his phobia first and then he'll be fine. If he would just accept therapy-" Janus says.

Well, aren't they just great friends?

"Anyway, let's get back to this," Remus says.

I think I'm just going to go find Logan and talk things through with him instead of being paranoid with Janus and Remus. I mean, I thought I could depend on them. But I guess this is my fault, with the thing I did.

As I'm walking down the hallway, I bump into Roman.

"Sorry!" I squeak.

Why was my voice so HIGH?!

"It's fine," he grumbles, "I'm suspended anyway-"

I hear the last part, though it was barely more than a mumble.

I go back to my dorm, but halfway there I decided to go to the library again. I want to study that other spell again. I want to be able to do it, but the book said it's dangerous. Plus, if I only study the one spell instead of all of them, no further incidents will happen. Right?

I look around quickly, making sure nobody is around. I'm clear, so I grab the book and move some others to make it look like it isn't gone. Then I hide in the corner, under the beanbag chairs.

I flip through the pages until I hear someone come in. Of course.

I shove the book under the beanbag before getting up.

"Logan? Oh, I've been looking for you," I say.

I should have been. I am just getting distracted easily today. But talking with Logan is the most important thing I should be doing.

"I'm sorry, but I'm- I'm suspended. I can't talk right now," he says.

"Oh oh," I say.

I look down at my feet. So much for asking what happened or talking about training. 

I keep my head down as I walk out of the library. A single tear almost slips down my cheek, but then I remember what Janus and Remus said. I suck up my tear and frown again. I have a resting annoyed scowl face anyway.

I have in-person school tomorrow T~T. Sorry for the inconsistent updates! But I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments, and have a wonderful day/night you magnificent peep!

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