Chapter 149

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I continue to pace around outside Conor’s bedroom door, debating whether or not I should actually go in and get this over and done with. I have all the right words in my head – Eleanor’s drilled them in enough – but I just can’t seem to actually say them.

“Lucy, if you don’t knock, I will” Eleanor whispers harshly from behind. I didn’t even know she was there.

“Right, yeah I will” I stutter, letting out a huge breath and shaking out my hands. I’m so nervous. I’m about to tell Conor Maynard that I love him for god’s sake.

“Screw this” El rolls her eyes, banging three times on his door. “Come to my room when you’re done” she smiles widely before scurrying off to her room.

“Eleanor, wait!” I call after her in panic, but before I can even try and argue with her about what she just did, Conor swings his door open. Oh man. Why am I doing this?

“Lucy” he smiles awkwardly, obviously confused as to why I’m banging on his door.

“Sorry, uh- that was Eleanor. She just ran” I stutter. Oh god, I need to leave. This isn’t happening. “I’ll just go and get her”

“Wait” he quickly says, gently tugging me back by my wrist. “Why are you here?”


Come on, Lucy. Think of something.

“Never mind. It um, it doesn’t matter” I shake my head, unable to come up with an excuse. I’ve realised I don’t have as much confidence as I thought I did to try and talk to Conor. Maybe I’ll just text him sometime.

“It obviously does if Eleanor’s planted you on my doorstep” he smirks, slowly releasing his grip on my wrist. I smile slightly and turn around to see where she’s actually gone. That girl can bloody move. “So, you want to come in?”

I snap my head back to face him, completely shocked that he’s willing to let me in his room when I’m in such an awkward state.

“Come on, we can talk in here” he smiles, walking into his room.

I want to follow him but my feet seem to be stuck to the floor.

Lucy, move.

I watch as he sits on his bed and turns to me with a smirk.

“Jesus Christ, Lucy. What’s gotten into you?” he chuckles, patting the empty space next to him on the bed. “I don’t bite”

“Yeah” I stutter. “I know”

I probably look like such a freak right now. As if he’s still willing to sit down and talk to me.

I manage to actually remember how to walk, and make my way into his room, closing the door behind him and sitting next to him on his bed, making sure there’s a decent space in between us. I’ve been so much closer to him before and I could handle it, so how come now when we have a good 50cm between us, my heart’s close to tearing my chest apart and jumping out onto Conor? Ew, that’s gross.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he teases me further. I’m kind of glad he is because it’s surprisingly making me feel much more comfortable around him. “So, did you want to talk?”

“Yeah” I sigh, relaxing my shoulders slightly. “I need to tell you something that’s um, been on my mind a lot”

Okay Lucy, nice start.

“Yeah, you can tell me anything” he smiles, shrugging slightly. Agh, he’s so cute.

I smile at him before my face drops and I seem to forget everything I’ve rehearsed with Eleanor.

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